Monday, December 13, 2010

Announcements: 12/13/2010

  1. Congratulations to our students for a wonderful Collage Concert!  We have received many compliments from audience members (and MANY faculty) thanking the students for their hard work.  Great job!
  2. Cheesecake pickup is TONIGHT from 6-8pm.  If you ordered a cheesecake, please pick it up in the band room.  Also, there was a delay in the shipment of the Coffee/Tea order.  If you purchased coffee or tea, it will not be available tonight.  Instead, we will distribute that to students in class once it arrives.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. Final Exams occur the second week after returning to school in January.  Part of the exam for band students is the IMEA scale sheet.  This is a difficult sheet for many students.  Please encourage your students to practice this DAILY over break.  Doing so will make a significant impact on their semester grade and will allow us to perform more advanced music in the spring.  If we all work together, we will have greater success in the band program!
  4. Please have a restful and enjoyable Holiday Break.  Looking forward to great things in 2011!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

URGENT: Help needed to monitor rooms tonight

Dear all,

We are in deperate need of room monitors for tonight's collage concerts.  We currently have NO volunteers to monitor during the 5:30-7:45 time slot.  The job is simple - you can read a book and just keep an eye on things!

Please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt ( asap if you can help.

P.S. - we have enough volunteers for the 7:45-9:00 time slot, but could use one or two more if you are available.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Collage Concert Week Information

Collage Week: The collage concert is a combined band and choir event. At this concert, we create a continuous flow of music for the entire show, meaning there are smooth transitions and no applause in between pieces. To achieve this effect, we need additional rehearsal time. The schedule for next week is:
  • Tuesday, 12/7 – Rehearsal 3:30-8:00pm
  • Wednesday, 12/8 – Rehearsal 3:30-8:00pm
  • Thursday, 12/9 – Performances at 6:30pm and 8:15pm
  • Friday, 12/10 – Emergency date for concert in case of weather
Rehearsals: Students should bring homework, as they will not be performing during the entire time. There will not be an “official” dinner break; instead, students may bring a sack lunch to eat during free time.

Performances: Both performances are on the same night: 12/9. Two performances are scheduled to accommodate large crowds. Because of parent work commitments, we anticipate more people at the 8:15 concert. Therefore, if you can make it to the 6:30 concert, you are encouraged to attend at that time. Note: The Friday date will occur ONLY if we have inclement weather on one of the other dates.

Parent Supervision Needed: Since directors are often not in the room, it is important to have adult supervision each evening.  If you can help supervise the band room during one of the following shifts, please contact Mr. Dortwegt (
  • Tuesday, 12/7 – 3:30-5:45
  • Tuesday, 12/7 – 5:45-8:00
  • Wednesday, 12/8 – 3:30-5:30
  • Wednesday, 12/8 – 5:30-8:00
  • Thursday, 12/9 – 6:00-7:45 (then attend the 8:15 concert)
  • Thursday, 12/9 – 7:45-9:00 (attend the 6:30 concert first)

Reminders: Barnes & Noble and Scrip

A couple of brief reminders:
  1. The Barnes & Noble Book Fair Fundraiser is TODAY from 4-8pm.  Please do some holiday shopping (which most people do anyway) and support our band at the same time.  Click here for more information.
  2. Don't forget to order Scrip Cards for use during the holidays or for gifts!  Scrip cards are just like gift cards - you receive the entire value, and the retailer donates to the band.  If you plan to give gift cards, PLEASE order them through the Scrip program!  To place an order, go to, or call/e-mail Kristen Hamilton at 815.436.1877/  Orders are due by December 10 for delivery to you by December 17.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Barnes & Noble Book Fair: Friday Dec. 3

The Scoop: From 4-8pm on Friday, December 3, the South High Band will host a book fair with Barnes & Noble at the Rt. 30/Plainfield Rd. store in Joliet.

Here's how it works: Present our voucher (available by clicking here) or ID number (10288694) when making a purchase, and up to 20% will be donated to the Band Program. This includes the cafe as well.  This is a great way to do holiday shopping AND support the band!!!

Online Purchases: You can also shop online anytime from 12/3 through 12/8 and earn the same profit for the Bands. Just input the ID code (10288694) at checkout.  This allows family members from out of state to help us, too!

What happens at B&N: Our students will be involved in the evening by reading books, performing in small ensembles, and wrapping gifts. The cafe will also be selling a specialty hot chocolate that will be named by our band students.

We will need some help: Students can sign up at school.  PARENTS: We need help for the following time slots:
  • 4-5pm
  • 5-6pm
  • 6-7pm
  • 7-8pm
If you can volunteer for one or more shifts, please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt (  Volunteers should arrive at the designated time and we will put you to work!  (It's easy...don't worry!)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Announcements: 11/8/2010

  1. Schedule - 11/8 - SB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    11/9 - Culvers Fundraiser, 5-8pm
    11/9 - Band Booster Meeting, 7:30pm, Band Room (Free cheesecake for those who attend!)
    11/11 - Fall Band Concert, 7pm.  Student call time 5pm.
  2. Fall Concert: Thursday, Nov. 11 at 7pm in the Auditorium - All band concerts are free and open to the public.  Students should arrive at 5pm.  After the concert, please join us in the lobby for a reception featuring cheesecake and coffee/tea samples.
  3. Concert Attire - Students must have their correct concert dress this Thursday.  Male students must have their tuxedo shirt, black shoes, and black socks.  Students who ordered new tuxedo shirts will not receive them until they have paid for them ($13).  Female students should have black hose and black closed-toe dress shoes.  Students should not have distracting hair styles or jewelry.
  4. Above are photos from a last week's clinic with Dr. Larry Van Oyen from North Central College.  The Symphonic Band students improved significantly under his direction!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Help Needed: Football Game (11/6) and Band Concert (11/11)

Saturday, Nov. 6, 6:00 Kick-off
(Student call time is 5pm)

We know it's COLD, but we really need MORE HELP at the Football game for Uniforms, and ESPECIALLY for Hospitality (need 3-5 people) and Pit (need 3-5 people).
  • If you are helping with HOSPITALITY AND PIT, you get to enter the Game free of charge!
  • Call time for all chaperones (and students!) is 5:00.
  • Contacts: Uniforms = Kim Hoar at
  • Hospitality = Donna Wilczek at
  • Pit = Kristen/Howard Hamilton at

Volunteer Needs/Responsibilities:

A) HOSPITALITY: The Band Boosters will be serving samples of our Late November/Early December Fundraiser--coffee and cheesecake--after the Concert. We need parents to:

  • help set up
  • loan a coffemaker -- we need 2 or 3 large (40-50 cup) coffee pots
  • help brew and serve the sample coffee
  • help serve cheesecake samples
  • clean up
Call time for Volunteers:
  • Coffee Pots needed at the Band Room by 4:00
  • Set Up help at 6:15 pm
  • Brewing/serving help right after the Concert
  • Clean up help after the Concert
  • Contact to Volunteer: Hospitality = Donna Wilczek at
  • hand out uniforms before the concert, receive back uniforms after the concert.
  • Number of volunteers needed: as many as possible!
  • Call time for volunteers: 6:00 p.m. and immediately following the Concert
  • Contact to Volunteer: Uniforms = Kim Hoar at

Monday, November 1, 2010

Announcements: 11/1/2010

  1. Schedule -
    NEW: SATURDAY, 11/6 - FOOTBALL GAME, 5PM CALL11/9 - Band Booster Meeting (free cheesecake samples for those who attend!)
    11/11 - Fall Band Concert, 7pm in Auditorium
  2. This week we will have a special visitor: Dr. Van Oyen, Director of Bands at North Central College.  He will be working with the Symphonic Band during 2nd period on Thursday!
  3. Have a great week!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Craft Show Update / Bake Sale Items Needed!

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out at the craft show this weekend!  It's not too late to help out, though!  More information about the craft show/volunteering is here.

We still need lots of baked goods for the bake sale!  Drop off for these items (cookies, brownies, sweets, etc.) is TONIGHT between 5 and 7pm in the band room.  You can also deliver them yourself on Saturday or Sunday morning to the Plainfield Central Cafeteria.  Everything we get always gets sold for a fantastic profit - please consider baking something for us!

Also, we could still use move volunteers - especially some parents to staff the Central parking lot at 4:30 am (yay!).  If you can help out, email Mrs. DeRose at

Have a great Halloween weekend!  Marching band is almost over, so the mass e-mails will be less frequent from here on out.  Aren't you sad? :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Band Craft Show / Fundraiser: Help Needed!

Band Booster Craft Show - October 29-31 at PHS-CC

What is the Craft Show?Each year, the Plainfield High Schools coordinate a community craft show featuring crafters from all over the area.  Profits are made from crafter registration fees, admission cost, and from a bake sale.  The craft show is our largest fundraiser, and we need as much help as possible to make it successful.

What type of help is needed?
  1. Volunteers - We need student AND parent help. Jobs may include helping crafters move equipment, manning the parking lot, etc.  Student sign ups are posted in the band room. Parent sign up time slots can be viewed here.  If you are available to help, please reply to Cristine DeRose with the times that you are available according to the sign-up sheet (see the link above). Her e-mail is:
  2. Bake Sale Donations - We need donations of bakery items to the bake sale. You can drop off items at PSHS on Friday, 10/29, from 5-7pm in the band room.  Please read here for more bake sale info.
If you have questions, please e-mail Mrs. DeRose at This is one of the few fundraisers where we are only asking for your time and not asking for money. So, if you have been looking at an opportunity like this, please consider getting involved.

Thanks for your help!

Announcements: 10/25/2010

  1. Schedule - 10/26 - Fundraiser at Culvers (see below for details)
    10/29 - FOOTBALL GAME, call time 4pm.
    10/29 - PSHS Talent Show, 5:30pm
    10/29-31 - Band Booster Fall Craft Show at PHS-CC
  2. 10/26 Culvers Fundraiser - Join us from 5-8pm at the Culvers on Rt. 59 and Theodore.  When ordering, mention you are with the PSHS Band and a portion of the profits will go to help support our color guard!
  3. Football Game - Our first playoff game will be this Friday at 7pm.  Student call time is 4pm.
  4. Talent Show - The PSHS Talent Show will be Friday at 5:30pm in the auditorium.  Admission is $2 for students and $3 for adults.  Proceeds go to the music department.  If you are willing to help supervise or collect money on Friday night, please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt.
  5. Fall Craft Show - Look for a separate e-mail about the Fall Craft Show today.  We will need volunteers to assist at the show and donations of baked goods.

Friday, October 22, 2010

URGENT: NIU Schedule Change


There is a time change for the NIU performance tomorrow, 10/23/2010.

The band will not stay for the entire game but will leave after half-time.

They will NOT stop for dinner on the way home and the new, anticipated, return time will be approximately 6:00 PM.

Please contact Mr. Cook via email if you have any questions.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NIU Band Day Volunteers Needed


We need chaperones and trailer crew help with the NIU BAND DAY on Saturday, Oct. 23.  Please read below for information.  Click here for a schedule of the day. Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!


  • Help get uniforms, equipment and busses loaded.
  • Take attendance on your bus, ride the bus. 
  • Help unload instruments, walk with the Band to the practice field, eat lunch, unload uniforms and help get kids in uniform, walk with the kids to the stadium, watch the game and the performance from the Band Section (entrance to the game is free for confirmed chaperones), walk back to busses with the Band, help re-load equipment and uniforms, make sure everyone feels ok
  • Take attendance on your bus, ride bus home.
  • Help with any problems or sick children--make sure to have the first aid kit!
--Call time for Chaperones: 7:30 am
--Chaperones need to be available for the whole event.
--Chaperones required: 5 - 8 for uniforms/general help.

  • Load equipment on the trailer—no pit equipment or box truck required for this event
  • Hitch trailer to truck
  • Drive truck (1-2 people) or ride bus
  • Help unload truck/trailer--instruments before practice, uniforms after lunch. SEE UNIFORM/CHAPERONE DESCRIPTION ABOVE.
  • Walk with and sit with the Band during practice and the game (entrance to game is free for confirmed trailer crew helpers).
  • Reverse the process to put the instruments and uniforms away
--Call time for Trailer/Pit Crew: 7:30 am
--It is preferable for the Trailer/Pit Crew to be available for the whole event.
--Trailer/Pit Crew required: 3 people
Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Announcements: 10/18/2010

  1. Schedule -
    10/18 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    10/20 - Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
    10/21 - No MB Rehearsal, Jazz Band Auditions after school, Choir Concert 7pm
    10/23 - NIU Band Day, 7:30am call time
  2. Don't forget to come out on Wednesday this week to Buffalo Wild Wings!  Tell your friends and co-workers!  This is an easy and fun fundraiser!  Click here for more information or to print the flyer that must be presented to the server.
  3. NIU Band Day - Click here for the schedule.  Please note that students will need to bring money for lunch and dinner.  We do need chaperones - info will come out later this week.
  4. Fall Craft Show - Each year, a craft fair and bake sale is held at Plainfield Central in which proceeds go to the Plainfield High School Band Programs.  Dates for this year's show are 10/29, 10/30, and 10/31.  We will need volunteers on those dates to help at the fair and provide items for the bake sale.  This is by far our biggest fundraiser of the year and is very easy to help with!  Detailed information will come out this week along with volunteer sign-up sheets.  Please consider saving a few hours of time that weekend to help out!
  5. Football Playoffs - We are expecting our undefeated football team to participate in the playoffs this year!  We will perform at home playoff games and the state finals (if we make it).  Unfortunately, we will not know exact dates and times until the week of the game.  Please refer to the bottom of the PSHS Band Schedule to see potential dates for playoff games.  It is likely that we will have a home game on either 10/29 or 10/30.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser: Wed. 10/20/2010

Are you hungry yet?!?  Next Wednesday, October 20, we will be having our first Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser! 

How does it work?
It's simple - just go to BWW sometime that day, eat some food, and 20% of food profits will go to the PSHS Band.  You will need to present a coupon (available online here) to receive credit.

Note: The fundraiser will occur at the NORTH Plainfield Buffalo Wild Wings Location (near Plainfield North High School).  Address is: 11820 S. Rt. 59, Plainfield, IL.  It is in the same parking lot as Kohls. 

Thank you to Mrs. Zink for helping us set up this exciting fundraising opportunity!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Announcements: 10/13/2010

Congrats to the Marching Band for placing 3rd in class 5A at the Metamora Competition!  If you have any photos to share, please contact Mr. Dortwegt!

  1. Schedule -
    10/13 - Culver's Fundraiser, 5-8pm (see below for more info)
    10/14 - No Rehearsal (canceled)
    10/15 - Football Game, CALL TIME CHANGED TO 5:30.  (Students should eat dinner before arriving)
  2. Culver's Fundrasier - Please come out TONIGHT to the Culvers on Rt. 59 and Theodore (next to Starbucks and across from Walmart) between 5-8pm.  A portion from all profits will be donated to the PSHS Color Guard.  No need to bring any coupon - just show up hungry!  Hope to see you there!
  3. Upcoming Events - Information about the NIU Band Day performance (10/23) will be coming out later this week.  Also, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, 10/20.  We will have a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings where a portion of the profits will go to the Band.  A flyer with more info will come out soon.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Metamora Volunteers Needed!

We need chaperones and pit/trailer crew help this Saturday.  Please read below for information.  Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!


  • Help get uniforms, equipment and busses loaded
  • Take attendance on your bus,  ride the bus**A MINUMUM OF 6 UNIFORM/GENERAL CHAPERONES ARE NEEDED FOR THE BUS TRIP**
  • Help unload, help get kids in uniform, help pass out drinks/snacks, walk with the Band to the field, watch the performance from the field, walk back to busses with the Band, help re-load equipment and uniforms, make sure everyone feels ok, go back to field to watch, be back at the busses at the specified time
  • Take attendance on your bus, ride bus home.  
  • Help with any problems or sick children--make sure to have the first aid kit! 
--Call time for Chaperones: 2:45 pm
--Chaperones need to be available for the whole event.
--Chaperones required:  5 for uniforms, 5 for general help. 
  • Load equipment on the trailer and box truck (we will have two vehicles this year)
  • Hitch trailer to truck
  • Drive trailer AND box truck (2-4 people) or ride bus/drive separately
  • Help unload truck/trailer
  • Help the Pit/drum major podiums get ready to go out to the field
  • Follow the golf cart with the pit trailer and all the other podiums/pit equipment to the field
  • Reverse the process to put the Pit equipment and Pit trailer away after competition--reload truck and trailer.
--Call time for Trailer/Pit Crew: 2:45 pm
--It is preferable for the Trailer/Pit Crew to be available for the whole event.
--Trailer/Pit Crew  required:  5-8 people
 Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Help Needed Tonight! (10/4)

Dear all,

Each year we put together booklets for the students which they can sign/write encouraging notes/etc in anticipation of our final marching band competition. 

If you are available tonight from 6-9pm, we could use help with assembling the booklets.  It's simple - just cut, glue, and staple!  With a lot of help, it should go fairly quickly.  Please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt ( if you are available to help.

Thanks much!

Announcements: 10/4/2010

  1. Schedule -
    10/4 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    10/5 - IMEA Auditions
    10/7 - MB Rehearsal, 3:45-4:45
    10/8 - Football Game, 4pm call
    10/9 - Metamora Competition, 1pm call (see full schedule here)
  2. Metamora - Please see the full schedule above.  If you plan to drive your student home from the competition, an alternate transportation form must be returned no later than Thursday.  Information for parent volunteers will come out shortly; our needs will be similar to the Wheeling Competition.
  3. Marching Band Photo Orders are due TOMORROW, 10/5.  Please see the order form here.
  4. Senior Night is 10/15.  All seniors received a senior night info form which needs to be completed and returned no later than 10/8.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Marching Band Photos Available

Photos of the 2010 PSHS Marching Band are here!  Full group, section, and individual shots are available for purchase.

Order forms are available hereOrders are due no later than Tuesday, 10/5.  Please submit to the blue box in the band room and make checks payable to PSHS Band Boosters.

Please note:
  • Group and section photos were taken on the evening of 9/10.  If your student was not at the football game performance that night, they are not in the full group or section photos.
  • Individual photos will be taken of students who submit orders.  These will be taken before the football game on 10/8.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Parade Volunteers Needed!

We need uniform help, chaperones and trailer crew help this Saturday.  Please read below for information.  Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!
  • Help get equipment and buses loaded.
  • Take attendance on your bus, ride the bus.  **A MINIMUM OF 6 GENERAL CHAPERONES TO RIDE THE BUS AND WALK WITH THE BAND ARE NEEDED.**
  • Help unload, walk with the Band to the staging area, then walk with the Band during the parade, watching for sick kids, missteps and spectators in the way, help re-load equipment and kids;  generally make sure everyone feels ok!  Take attendance on your bus, ride bus home. 
  • Help with any problems or sick children--make sure to have the first aid kit!  
  • Chaperones need to be available for the whole event.
  • Chaperones required:  6 for general help.  **UNIFORM VOLUNTEERS CAN DO BOTH JOBS**
  • Call time for Chaperones:  7:15 am

  • Help hand-out/turn-in uniforms.
  • Time slots for volunteer help are: 7:00-7:45 a.m. and 45-60 minutes when the busses return, somewhere between 11:30 and noon.
  • As stated above, Uniform Volunteers can also be chaperones and ride the bus/walk the Parade--OR, you can leave and come back to help hang up uniforms.
  • Parents Required: As many as we can get! The faster uniforms are handed out and in, the faster kids are ready.
  • Contact: Kim Hoar at

  • Load equipment on the trailer, hitch trailer to truck, drive truck (2 people) or ride bus/drive separately **Probably easier to ride the bus due to traffic/parking
  • Help unload truck, walk with band, then reverse the process to come back to school!
  • Call time for Trailer Crew:  7:15 am
  • It is preferable for the Trailer Crew to be available for the whole event.
  • Trailer/Pit Crew  required:  5-8 people
 Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Announcements: 9/27/2010

Congratulations to the Marching Band for a great performance at Wheeling High School this past weekend!  The band won the Outstanding Drum Major Award and will receive a full scholarship to the Smith-Walbridge Drum Major Clinics next summer.  Great Job!  Announcements are below:

  1. Schedule:9/27 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    9/30 - MB Rehearsal, 3:45-4:45pm
    10/2 - Plainfield Homecoming Parade (Click here for info)
  2. The call time for the Plainfield Homecoming Parade is 7:15 am this Saturday.  Please click here for the full details.
  3. A full schedule for the Metamora Competition (10/9) will be available later this week.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wheeling Competition Help Needed!

We need chaperones and pit/trailer crew help this Saturday.  Please read below for information.  Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!


  • Help get uniforms, equipment and busses loaded
  • Take attendance on your bus,  ride the bus**A MINUMUM OF 6 UNIFORM/GENERAL CHAPERONES ARE NEEDED FOR THE BUS TRIP**
  • Help unload, help get kids in uniform, help pass out drinks/snacks, walk with the Band to the field, watch the performance from the field, walk back to busses with the Band, help re-load equipment and uniforms, make sure everyone feels ok, go back to field to watch, be back at the busses at the specified time
  • Take attendance on your bus, ride bus home.  
  • Help with any problems or sick children--make sure to have the first aid kit! 
--Call time for Chaperones:  2:30pm
--Chaperones need to be available for the whole event.
--Chaperones required:  5 for uniforms, 5 for general help. 
  • Load equipment on the trailer and box truck (we will have two vehicles this year)
  • Hitch trailer to truck
  • Drive truck (2-4 people) or ride bus/drive separately
  • Help unload truck/trailer
  • Help the Pit/drum major podiums get ready to go out to the field
  • Follow the golf cart with the pit trailer and all the other podiums/pit equipment to the field
  • Reverse the process to put the Pit equipment and Pit trailer away after competition--reload truck and trailer.
--Call time for Trailer/Pit Crew:  2:30pm
--It is preferable for the Trailer/Pit Crew to be available for the whole event.
--Trailer/Pit Crew  required:  5-8 people
 Contact Kristen Hamilton at to volunteer!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Correction: Announcements 9/20/2010

The correct link to the Football Game help/contact info page is here:

Announcements: 9/20/2010

  1. Schedule -
    9/20 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    9/23 - MB Rehearsal, 3:45-4:45
    9/24 - Football Game, 4pm call (DINNER PROVIDED)
    9/25 - Wheeling Competition, call time 1:15pm
  2. Football Game, 9/24 - Middle school students will be joining us on Friday for the football game. We will provide a pizza dinner for students that evening. If you are able to help at the game, please click here for a list of help needed/people to contact. Also, if you are able to help with serving pizza, please e-mail Mrs. Wilczek at
  3. Wheeling Competition, 9/25 - Please click here to view the competition information. This includes the student schedule, important reminders, and directions.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Football Game Photos & Announcements

Announcements for 9/14:
  1. Schedule -
    9/14 - Band Booster Meeting (see below for info)
    9/16 - MB Rehearsal, 3:45-4:45
  2. Band Booster Meeting - Please join us for the first Band Booster Meeting of the year at 7:30pm in the Band Room. Topics of discussion include: Finances, fundraising, directors report, and other band updates.
  3. Pizza Sale - Thanks to those who helped by selling pizzas or making them on Saturday. If you did not participate, we can still take buyouts of $20. Currently, we are about $800 under our budget for this sale.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Announcements: 9/13/2010

  1. Schedule -
    9/13 - MB rehearsal, 6-9pm
    9/14 - Band Booster Meeting, 7:30pm, Band Room
    9/16 - MB rehearsal, 3:45-4:45
  2. Band Booster Meeting - Please join us for the first meeting of the year on Tuesday, 9/14, at 7:30pm in the Band Room. Topics of discussion include: Finances, fundraising, directors report, and other general band updates.
  3. Pizza Sale - Thanks to all who sold and helped us make pizzas! Unfortunately, we are about $800 under budget for this sale due to low student participation. If you did not participate and would still like to contribute a $20 buyout, please place a check in the blue box in the band room. Remember, this money goes to help offset the cost of competition fees, marching band staff, drill writing, etc.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pizza Pick-up Date: 9/11 (Schedule and Info)

WE STILL NEED PARENT HELP FOR QUALITY CONTROL AND GENERAL SUPERVISION! Please contact Mrs. Hamilton ( if you are available Saturday morning.

Schedule/Information for Parent Volunteers:

8:30 a.m.
We need a few volunteers to:
  • Pick up Supplies at GFS (already ordered, except we need three boxes of plastic gloves off the shelf!) and ...
  • Deliver to PSHS Cafeteria--we probably need two minivans or SUVs for this job.
  • If you can help with this, let us know!
9:30 a.m. Student Call time at PSHS.
We need help with:
  • Covering tables and preparing for assembly
  • TRAINING STUDENTS IN PROCEDURE (make several test pizzas while all the kids watch--one scoop sauce and spread, two cups cheese and spread, one cup of sausage or twenty slices pepperoni and spread, then deliver to the saran-wrap table for plastic wrap--I WILL BRING THE RECIPE!)
9:30 until noonish:
  • Assemble, cover, label and sort pizzas for each student order
  • All pizzas must be picked up on Saturday before noon!

Clean up--when we're done.

We have approximately 234 pizzas to assemble--it should go fairly quickly with enough student help.

Thank you,

Kristen Hamilton, President
PSHS Band Boosters

Football Game Help Needed

Dear Band Families,

We have another Home Football Game tomorrow night, and we need parent help. Please check out the Volunteer Opportunities described below and come join us!


1. Hospitality - attend the Game and keep water available for the kids.
  • 1.1 Call time for volunteers is 6:15ish to get the water cart ready.
  • 1.2 Volunteers stay for the duration of the game.
  • 1.3 Parents required: 2 to 4.
  • 1.4 Contact: Donna Wilczek at
2. Uniforms - help hand-out/turn-in uniforms.
  • 2.1 Time slots for volunteer help are: 5:00-6:45 and an hour or so at game end, somewhere between 9:30 and 11:00.
  • 2.2 Volunteers can stay for the game, or leave and come back to help hang up the uniforms.
  • 2.3 Parents Required: As many as we can get! The faster uniforms are handed out and in, the faster kids are ready.
  • 2.4 Contact: Kim Hoar at
3. Pit Crew - help the Pit out to the field; get the "Pit Trailer"; drum major podiums and step ladder from the big Band trailer; drive or follow the golf cart with the pit trailer and all the other podiums/step ladder/pit equipment before the game out to the football field; after half-time, reverse the process to put the Pit equipment and Pit trailer away.
  • 3.1 Time slots for volunteer help are: 6:15ish through 7:00ish (to get the Pit to the field) and a half an hour or so AFTER HALF-TIME to escort Pit back to the band room.
  • 3.2 Parents can return to the game, or leave after half time.
  • 3.3 Parents required: 3 to 5
Thank you,
Kristen Hamilton, President
PSHS Band Boosters

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monticello Photos (Better Late than Never!)

Thought we would share some photos from Monticello! Enjoy!

Remember that camp photo packages are available. Contact Mrs. Dunning if you would like more information. Also, if you have any photos from band events that you would like to share, please contact Mr. Dortwegt.

Announcements: 9/7/2010

  1. Schedule:
    9/7 - Pizza Orders Due
    9/7 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    9/9 - MB Rehearsal, 3:45-4:45
    9/10 - Football Game, 4pm call time
    9/11 - Pizza Pick-up Date, student call time 9:30am
  2. Pizza Fundraiser Pick-up: If you sold pizzas, we will need your help assembling on Saturday, 9/11. Student call time is 9:30, and we should be done around noon. Please make sure that your pizzas are picked up on that date because we do not have a place to store them. We also need parent help, so if you are available, please come help out!
  3. The venue for our first marching band competition (9/25) has been changed. We will no longer be going to Stagg High School; instead, we will be traveling to Wheeling High School. Schedule and directions will be sent out when they are available.
  4. The PICBF Date has been changed to April 30. Please adjust your calendars!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Announcements for 8/30/2010

  1. Upcoming schedule:
    8/30 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
    9/2 - MB Rehearsal, 3:45-4:45pm
    9/3 - Football Game (Required Performance), call time 4pm
    9/7 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9 (rescheduled to Tuesday because of Labor Day)
  2. Band Costs - Band costs (discussed at the parent meeting) were due last Friday. Please turn in your student's payment if you have not done so already. We will only pass out new marching band shoes if you have paid for them, and those are required for the performance on Friday!
  3. Football game - For new families, we perform before the game starts (usually after 7pm) as well as during half time (often around 8:30). We stay until the end of the game and support our team!
  4. Pizza Fundraiser - Students will be selling pizzas this week to raise money for the band! Please read the info form here for more information. Each student is asked to sell 5 pizzas. There is a very quick turn-around time: Orders are due Tuesday, September 7.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ice Cream Social Tonight!

Come join the 2010 Marching Band for an ice cream social tonight at 7pm in the Football Stadium!

All family, friends, alumni, and community members are welcome. We will demonstrate what we have learned in the past 2 weeks, and there will be a chance to meet other families while eating some ice cream.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Important Registration and Band Camp Info

It's almost time for Band Camp! You should have received a mailing in the past week with final Band Camp info (click here). Here are some important announcements:

  1. Rehearsals begin:
    August 9 for Drum Line, Color Guard, and Leadership Team.
    August 10 for EVERYONE
  2. Extra schedules and Camp information can be found in the July Mailing here.
  3. REGISTRATION is on a walk-in basis this year. ALL BAND STUDENTS should register on MONDAY, AUGUST 9, so we can avoid conflicts with band camp. This has been cleared with administration and is consistent with what athletes will be doing.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Marching Band Music Recordings

Hope everyone is having a great summer vacation! Below are links to the recordings of our marching band show tunes. Enjoy!

Students: You should begin working on your parts. Use these recordings to help you. Play along with them each time you practice! (Note: All returning students should have music. Incoming freshmen will receive music in the mail.)

Please also look for a mailing in the next few weeks with final details about August Band Camp. Happy July!

2010 PSHS Marching Band Show:
  1. Estancia
  2. Perfidia
  3. Malaguena

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2010 Drumline Results

Congrats to the 2010 PSHS Drumline!

Click here to view the roster.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Correction: Band Picnic Date 6/3/2010

The End-of-the-Year Band Picnic will be on Thursday, June 3, from 11am-3pm. The date posted in yesterday's announcement was incorrect. Sorry!

Click here for the information!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Announcements: 5/24/2010

  1. Schedule -
    5/24 - Rehearsal for ALL non-seniors, 6-9pm
    5/24-27 - Concert Band Auditions
    5/29 - Graduation, call time 10:45am (eat before arriving)
    6/1 - Concert Band Final Exam
    6/2 - Symphonic Band Final Exam
    6/3 - End of year Picnic
  2. Graduation - Call time is 10:45am. This is a required performance for all non-seniors. Arrive early because rehearsal will begin promptly at 11am. The ceremony begins at 1 and should conclude by 3. Please arrange to have a ride for your student so everyone can leave promptly at the conclusion of the ceremony.
  3. Final Exams - Make sure your student is practicing his/her scales for their final exam! They will not be able to cram the day before, so please encourage them to practice each day.
  4. Picnic - Click here for information about the end of the year picnic at the Eaton Preserve.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Announcements: 5/17/2010

  1. Schedule:
    5/17 - Graduation rehearsal 6-9pm (All Non-Seniors)
    5/20 - Wendy's Fundraiser, 5-8pm (Rt. 59 and Black Rd.)
    5/24 - Graduation rehearsal 6-9pm (All Non-Seniors)
    5/24-27 - Concert Band Auditions
    5/29 - Graduation (call time tba)
    6/3 - End of year picnic, 11-3
  2. Monticello Deposits of $100 are due 5/21. Make checks payable to PSHS Band Boosters.
  3. If you have any outstanding debt, please try to cover it before the end of the school year. E-mail a director if you need to know your balance.

Symphonic Band performs for 5th grade band students

Last week, the Symphonic Band performed for 5th grade band students from Ridge and Wesmere Elementary Schools. The 5th graders had a chance to see the high school student demonstrate on their instruments. The event concluded with a combined performance of "Hail to the Mighty Cougars!" Enjoy the photos above!

Friday, May 14, 2010

May Concert Photos and Barnes & Noble

Congrats to the band on a great concert! Click here to view photos from the concert (courtesy of Mrs. Melka).

Please remember that tonight (5/14) is our Barnes & Noble Book Fair Fundraiser. Purchases made at the Joliet Barnes & Noble will earn money for our band. Click here for the info.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Announcements: 5/5/2010

  1. Schedule -
    5/7 - Jazz Band at JJC, 7:30pm
    5/11 - May Concert, 7pm. Call time 5:15.
    5/14 - Barnes & Noble Book Fair
    5/15 - Band Banquet
    5/17 - Graduation rehearsal for all non-seniors, 6-9pm
    5/20 - Wendy's Fundraiser (date change)
    5/21 - 2010 Monticello deposits due
    5/24 - Auditions for Concert Bands begin
    5/24 - Graduation rehearsal for all non-seniors, 6-9pm
    5/29 - Graduation
    6/3 - End of the year picnic at Eaton Preserve
  2. April Mailing - If you are enrolled in band next year, you should be receiving a mailing with information for next year. Please click here for an electronic copy. Please note that Monticello deposits of $100 are due 5/21.
  3. May Concert - Call time for students is 5:15pm. Concert band students are asked to bring a dozen cookies to share at the reception afterward.
  4. Barnes & Noble Book Fair - We need more volunteers for this great fundraiser (which made us over $600 last time). Please click here for more information.
  5. Auditions for Concert Bands will occur the week of 5/24. For more information, please read the April Mailing (link is above).
  6. Debt - Please remember that all debt needs to be paid before the end of the school year.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Barnes & Noble Book Fair: Friday, May 14

The Scoop: Barnes & Noble has graciously allowed us to have another book fair on Friday, May 14, at the Rt. 30/Plainfield Rd. store in Joliet.

Here's how it works: Present our voucher (a sheet of 6 is available by clicking here) when making a purchase, and up to 20% will be donated to the Band Program. This includes the cafe, as well. On that date, you can also present our ID number (10204295) at any Barnes & Noble location OR online and earn the same profit for the Band. This allows family members from out of state to help us, too!

What happens at B&N: Our students will be involved in the evening by reading books and performing in small ensembles. The cafe will also be selling a specialty drink (Caramel Hot Chocolate) that will be named by our band students.

We will need some help: Click to view the STUDENT and PARENT sign-up sheets. Please consider helping if you are available. To reserve a time slot, please e-mail our coordinator, Mrs. Hayes, at

For a printable version of this information, click here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Announcements: 4/26/2010

  1. Schedule -
    4/26 - No SB rehearsal
    4/27 - Jazz Band at Jilly's in Naperville, 7pm
    4/30 - Senior Scholarships AND Clef Notes due
    5/2 - Jazz Concert, 3pm in PSHS Cafe
    5/7 - Jazz Band at JJC, 7:30pm
    5/11 - May Concert, 7pm
    5/14 - Barnes & Noble Book Fair
    5/15 - Band Banquet, 5:30pm at PSHS
    5/19 - Wendy's Fundraiser
    5/17, 5/24 - Graduation rehearsals for ALL non-senior band students, 6-9pm
    5/29 - Graduation (required performance for all non-senior band members)
  2. Clef Notes - be sure to submit your ads for the May concert program! They are due 4/30. More info is here.
  3. Senior Scholarships are due 4/30!
  4. Band Banquet invitations will be sent out this week. An electronic copy with more information is available here. Reservations need to be returned by Wednesday, 5/5.
  5. All (non-senior) Band Students must attend two evening rehearsals for graduation. See the schedule above for dates and times.
  6. Barnes & Noble Book Fair - We will do another book fair at the Joliet Barnes and Noble on 5/14. Look for more details soon.

Friday, April 16, 2010

2010 Marching Band Leadership Team Announced

Congratulations to the 2010 Cougar Marching Band Leadership Team. Click here to view results from the auditions.

We had many qualified applicants for limited openings. Thank you to all who auditioned.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clef Notes for Pops Concert!

We are once again offering ads in the program for the Spring Pops Concert on May 11, 2010. This is an opportunity to recognize your student individually for his/her accomplishments this year, to congratulate seniors as they near graduation, or acknowledge the hard work put forth by all the PSHS Band students during the 2009-2010school year. Click here to find out more and print an order form!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Announcements: 4/13/2010

  1. Schedule -
    4/13 - Band Booster Meeting, 7:30pm in the band room
    4/16 - Candy Sale Ends. Turn in money by this date.
    4/17 - Plainfield Invitational Concert Band Festival at PHS-CC
    4/21 - Wendy's Fundraiser Date
  2. Concert Band B and Symphonic Band travel to PHS-CC this weekend to perform at PICBF. Schedules were distributed in March and are available here. Make sure to eat a good breakfast/lunch before arriving at school. Due to the performance time, students will need to eat before arriving and after returning back to PSHS.
  3. PICBF Forms - I do not have trip consent forms from many Concert Band B students. If I do not have those by Friday morning, the student will not attend the festival and will be unexcused from the performance. An alternate transportation form is needed to take your student home from the festival. That also must be turned in no later than Friday morning.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

IMPORTANT: Wendy's Fundraiser Canceled

Dear all,

Due to a miscommunication, the Wendy's Fundraiser previously scheduled for this evening has been canceled. We apologize for the inconvenience! Please help spread the word...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Announcements: 3/10/2010

LOTS of announcements today!
  1. Schedule -
    3/16 - Wendy's Fundraiser
    3/19, 20, 21 - Musical: Pirates of Penzance
    3/25 - Pizza party for fundraiser participants
    4/10 - Hersey Band Contest (CB-A and SB)
    4/17 - PICBF Contest (CB-B and SB)
  2. Wendy's Fundraiser - Mark your calendars and please plan to eat at the Wendy's on Rt. 59 in Shorewood on the evening of 3/16. A portion of the profits will go to the Band Program that evening!
  3. Musical: Pirates of Penzance - Order your tickets to see the funny and exciting musical Pirates of Penzance! Tickets can be ordered by calling the main office at 815.439.5555.
  4. Pizza Party - We will have a pizza party for all students who participated in the last pizza fundraiser by selling at least 2 pizzas or submitting a buy-out. It will occur on 3/25 (half day) right after school ends at 11:10.
  5. Band Contests - We are quickly approaching contest season. Please check the dates above. If you are available to chaperone on either of the two dates, please e-mail a director.
  6. Summer Camp Scholarships - Students interested in going to a summer band camp may pick up an application for a band booster scholarship. Applications are due 3/25.
  7. Calendar Ad Sales - Each year the band publishes a PSHS events calendar. We make a profit by selling ad space in the calendar. If you know any businesses interested in advertising, or if you want to join the calendar committee to help search for potential advertisers, please e-mail a director.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Schedule revision (Pep Band Tonight)

Just a quick revision to the schedule:

There will be pep band tonight, 2/23. Call time is 6pm.

There will also be pep band tomorrow (2/24) for the Special Olympics event. Call time is 5:40pm.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Announcements for 2/22/2010

  1. Schedule -
    2/24 - Pep Band at Special Olympics Basketball Game, call time 5:40
  2. Midwinter Concert - Call time is 6pm for all students. Symphonic Band students are asked to bring 1-2 dozen cookies to share for after the concert. If you can help with serving punch and cookies after the concert, please e-mail Mrs. Wilczek at
  3. Congratulations - to all the Solo & Ensemble participants from this past weekend! Extra kudos go to the five PSHS students selected to perform on the Honors Recital: Katie Faltin, Aileen Hamilton, Cera Lazarz, Amanda Otey, and Brittany Turner. Great job!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Extra SPC Help needed

Dear all,

Sorry for the barrage of e-mails this week, but we need some extra help coordinating hospitality/ food for SPC on Thursday this week. If you are available during the day or in the evening, please contact Mrs. Wilczek at Thanks in advance!

Monday, February 8, 2010

URGENT: SPC Rescheduled for Thursday, 2/11

For those participating in the SPC Festival:

We have rescheduled SPC for Thursday, 2/11. If you have not turned in meal money, please do so ASAP ($8).

Announcements: 2/8/2010

  1. Schedule -
    2/8 - After school rehearsals canceled
    2/9 - SPC Festival canceled
    2/11 - Pep Band, 6pm
    2/17-19 - Symphonic Band Auditions
    2/20 - Solo & Ensemble Festival
    2/25 - MidWinter Concert, 7pm
  2. Solo & Ensemble - Calling all parents! We need room monitors for the day. We could use as many as 20 volunteers for 2 hours shifts. Please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt if you are available.
  3. Symphonic Band Auditions - Auditions for the fall of 2010 Symphonic Band will occur after school on 2/17 through 2/19. If a student does not audition, they will need to audition in May for one of the Concert Bands.

URGENT: SB Rehearsal and SPC Festival Canceled

Dear all,

Due to the snow that is predicted for tonight and tomorrow, Symphonic Band rehearsal has been canceled for tonight (Monday, 2/8). Jazz band sectionals will also be canceled tonight.

We are also canceling the SPC Honor Band Festival which was scheduled for Tuesday, 2/9. We are looking into the possibility of rescheduling this event and will send out information as soon as we can.

Thank you for your support, and be safe if you go out in the snow storm!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Announcements: 1/20/2010

Hope everyone had a great extended weekend! Here are some announcements:
  1. Schedule -
    1/21 - Pep Band, call time 6pm
    1/22 - Pep Band (with 8th graders and free pizza), call time 4pm
  2. Pep Band 8th Grade Night - Aux Sable and Drauden Point 8th grade students will join the pep band on Friday night this week. Free pizza will be provided to all students who come to pep band that evening. We need additional parent volunteers to help serving pizza. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Wilczek or a director.
  3. IMEA All-State - Congratulations to Danielle Berger, who will be going to the IMEA All-State music convention next week. Danielle was selected as a Future Music Educators Symposium participate for the second year in a row. Congrats to Danielle!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Reminder: PSHS Band Adult Get-together Tonight

Just a reminder to come out tonight and join us at the PSHS Band Annual Adult Get-together! This has become a traditional evening for band parents and alumni parents to meet, share some good food, and have a good time. Any and all band parents are welcome to attend.

Join us from 6:30-11pm tonight (1/15) at the Wesmere Club House. Bring an appetizer or desert to share. Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Announcements for week of 1/11/2010

Happy 2010 from the PSHS Bands! Here are announcements for this week...
  1. Schedule -
    1/11 - Milikan University Choir performance, PSHS Auditorium, 7pm
    1/12 - Band Booster Meeting, Band Room, 7:30pm
    1/13 - Solo/Ensemble Commitment Forms due
    1/15 - Band Booster Adult Gathering, Wesmere Clubhouse, 6:30-11
  2. Milikan University Choir - One of the best choirs in the state of Illinois will be performing with the PSHS Concert Choir tonight at 7pm. Come out to hear the free concert if you are available!
  3. Solo and Ensemble - If you are planning to participate in Solo/Ensemble Festival on February 20, commitment forms and money are due on Wednesday, 1/13.
  4. Band Booster Adult Gathering - Each year the boosters have an adult gathering at the Wesmere Clubhouse. All parents/alumni parents are welcome to attend. It is a chance to relax, enjoy some good food, and have a good time! (Students do not attend this event.)
  5. Pizza Sale - Our second pizza sale of the year started last week. We are hoping families will be able to sell 5 pizzas this time around. Click here for the info/order forms.
  6. Final Exams - Students have exams this week in all classes. For band, students must take a written exam and perform their IMEA scale sheet. Please make sure students are practicing!