- Schedule -
10/18 - MB Rehearsal, 6-9pm
10/20 - Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
10/21 - No MB Rehearsal, Jazz Band Auditions after school, Choir Concert 7pm
10/23 - NIU Band Day, 7:30am call time
- Don't forget to come out on Wednesday this week to Buffalo Wild Wings! Tell your friends and co-workers! This is an easy and fun fundraiser! Click here for more information or to print the flyer that must be presented to the server.
- NIU Band Day - Click here for the schedule. Please note that students will need to bring money for lunch and dinner. We do need chaperones - info will come out later this week.
- Fall Craft Show - Each year, a craft fair and bake sale is held at Plainfield Central in which proceeds go to the Plainfield High School Band Programs. Dates for this year's show are 10/29, 10/30, and 10/31. We will need volunteers on those dates to help at the fair and provide items for the bake sale. This is by far our biggest fundraiser of the year and is very easy to help with! Detailed information will come out this week along with volunteer sign-up sheets. Please consider saving a few hours of time that weekend to help out!
- Football Playoffs - We are expecting our undefeated football team to participate in the playoffs this year! We will perform at home playoff games and the state finals (if we make it). Unfortunately, we will not know exact dates and times until the week of the game. Please refer to the bottom of the PSHS Band Schedule to see potential dates for playoff games. It is likely that we will have a home game on either 10/29 or 10/30.