Monday, February 8, 2010

Announcements: 2/8/2010

  1. Schedule -
    2/8 - After school rehearsals canceled
    2/9 - SPC Festival canceled
    2/11 - Pep Band, 6pm
    2/17-19 - Symphonic Band Auditions
    2/20 - Solo & Ensemble Festival
    2/25 - MidWinter Concert, 7pm
  2. Solo & Ensemble - Calling all parents! We need room monitors for the day. We could use as many as 20 volunteers for 2 hours shifts. Please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt if you are available.
  3. Symphonic Band Auditions - Auditions for the fall of 2010 Symphonic Band will occur after school on 2/17 through 2/19. If a student does not audition, they will need to audition in May for one of the Concert Bands.