- Schedule -
4/13 - Band Booster Meeting, 7:30pm in the band room
4/16 - Candy Sale Ends. Turn in money by this date.
4/17 - Plainfield Invitational Concert Band Festival at PHS-CC
4/21 - Wendy's Fundraiser Date
- Concert Band B and Symphonic Band travel to PHS-CC this weekend to perform at PICBF. Schedules were distributed in March and are available here. Make sure to eat a good breakfast/lunch before arriving at school. Due to the performance time, students will need to eat before arriving and after returning back to PSHS.
- PICBF Forms - I do not have trip consent forms from many Concert Band B students. If I do not have those by Friday morning, the student will not attend the festival and will be unexcused from the performance. An alternate transportation form is needed to take your student home from the festival. That also must be turned in no later than Friday morning.