Band Craft Show / Fundraiser Help Needed!
What is the Craft Show? Each year, the Plainfield High School Band Booster Organizations coordinate a community craft show featuring crafters from all over the area. Profits are made from registration fees, admission fees, on site food sales, and from a bake sale. The craft show is our largest fundraiser, and we need as much help as possible to make it successful.
What type of help is needed?
1. Volunteers - We need student AND parent help. Jobs may include helping crafters move equipment, manning the parking lot, etc. Student sign ups are posted in the band room. Parents can sign up online by clicking here.
2. Bake Sale Donations - We need donations of bakery items for the bake sale. You can drop off items at PSHS on Friday, 10/28, from 5-7pm in the band room OR DIRECTLY TO PLAINFIELD CENTRAL anytime Saturday, 10/29, between 5am and 4pm or Sunday, 10/30 between 7am and noon. Sunday morning donations are very welcome to "repopulate" the Bake Sale tables!
If you can help with the bake sale, click here for more information regarding what items to bring and how to package.
This is one of the few fundraisers where we are only asking for your time and not asking for money. So, if you have been looking for an opportunity like this, please consider getting involved.
If you have questions, please contact craft show coordinator Kim Leyva at