Dear all,
We are in need of parent volunteers to help with Concession Sales at Freshman Football games and Boys Basketball Games this year.
Attached you will find a roster of Boys Basketball games and a roster of Freshmen Football games that the PSHS Band Boosters have been offered to work the concession stand. If we work the concession stand on these dates we get a set amount of donation to the PSHS Band Boosters. This is a wonderful opportunity to raise funds for our band.
As you will notice for the Football games, 6 volunteers are needed. We must have at least 3 adults. Students may help and may receive credit for community service hours.
For each Football game worked, the Band Boosters will receive $100.00.
You will notice for each Boys Basketball game we must have 2 adult volunteers. Students may sign up as well with a parent or guardian, or may speak to their band director. For each Basketball game worked, the Band Boosters will receive a minimum or $50.00.
This is a wonderful fundraiser for our organization. Please review the links above to see the dates and times. If you are able to commit to a date, please email Kim Leyva ( with your name and the date you are able to volunteer.
Thank you for supporting the PSHS Band Boosters!
-Kim Leyva