Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Help Needed this Friday, 9/30

Our homecoming football game this Friday, September 30!  It is a very special evening because in addition to our regular band performance, we will have 21 former band members performing with us as members of the first ever PSHS Alumni Band.   
As always, we need parent help! Please check out the Volunteer Opportunities described below and come join us!

1. Hospitality - attend the Game and keep water available for the kids.
  • 1.1 Call time for volunteers is 6:15pm to get the water cart ready.
  • 1.2 Volunteers stay for the duration of the game.
  • 1.3 Parents needed: 2 to 4.
  • 1.4 Contact: Chris Domagala at or 708-785-5735
2. Uniforms - help hand-out/turn-in uniforms.
  • 2.1 Time slots for volunteer help are: 5:00-6:45 and an hour or so at game end, somewhere between 9:30 and 11:00.
  • 2.2 Volunteers can stay for the game, or leave and come back to help hang up the uniforms.
  • 2.3 Parents Required: As many as we can get! The faster uniforms are handed out and in, the faster kids are ready.
  • 2.4 Contact: Cindy Kiser at
3. Pit Crew - help the Pit out to the field; get the "Pit Trailer"; drum major podiums and step ladder from the big Band trailer; drive or follow the golf cart with the pit trailer and all the other podiums/step ladder/pit equipment before the game out to the football field; after half-time, reverse the process to put the Pit equipment and Pit trailer away.  If you can help, contact Mr. Dortwegt. (
  • 3.1 Time slots for volunteer help are: 6:15ish through 7:00ish (to get the Pit to the field) and a half an hour or so AFTER HALF-TIME to escort Pit back to the band room.
  • 3.2 Parents can return to the game, or leave after half time.
  • 3.3 Parents required: 3 to 5