Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Announcements: 9/7/2011

Lots going on in the next few weeks.  Here are some updates:

  1. Schedule:
    9/8 - Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30pm
    9/12 - Marching Rehearsal, 5-8pm
    9/15 - Marching Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30pm
    9/16 - Football Game
    9/17 - Stagg Competition
  2. Monticello Photos are still available, but orders are due by TOMORROW!  Click here for more info.
  3. Mark your calendars for a McDonald's Fundraiser on September 21 from 4-8pm.  Details and location are on the flyer (click here).  If you present the flyer or mention you are with the Band when purchasing your meal, a portion of the profits will go to the band.
  4. More info regarding the Stagg HS Competition will be coming out at the end of this week or early next week.  Our TENTATIVE performance time is 8:45pm.