For those going to Monticello, please read the following reminders:
Friday, 8/12, 7-8pm - BAGGAGE CHECK - please bring your large luggage and instrument to the band room on Friday night to be checked and loaded on the trailer. Carry-on items may be brought with you and checked on Saturday morning. Note: You should have everything you will need for the first rehearsal block in your carry-on luggage because we may not have access to the large luggage until after that rehearsal block. This includes shoes, socks, white t-shirt, music, and a pencil.
Click here for a list of reminders of what to bring with you to Monticello!
Saturday, 8/13 - Call time is 9:00am with a departure time of 9:30am. Remember to bring some money to pay for fast food lunch on this day.
Monday, 8/15 - Arrival time at school is approximately 10:00pm. Students will be notified when we are approximately 30 minutes away from home so they can call their parents if necessary. Students will need money for fast food diner on this day.