August band rehearsals start next week on Monday, August 1st! Drumline, Colorguard, and Leadership Team students will meet from 12-4pm, and ALL students will rehearse from 5-9pm. For a complete version of the schedule, click here.
Students should bring their instruments, music, and gym shoes for marching. Students are also encouraged to bring water and sunscreen to all rehearsals.
Next week there will also be a mandatory parent and student meeting on Wednesday, August 3, at 7:30pm in the Auditorium. We will go over policies and complete paperwork. Payment of band costs outlined in the May informational mailing will be accepted at this meeting.
Lastly, PSHS registration will also be taking place next week. Band families should register on Friday, August 5th, from 8am-12pm to avoid conflicts with rehearsals.
If you have any questions, you may contact the band office by calling 815.577.5702.