Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Schedule revision (Pep Band Tonight)

Just a quick revision to the schedule:

There will be pep band tonight, 2/23. Call time is 6pm.

There will also be pep band tomorrow (2/24) for the Special Olympics event. Call time is 5:40pm.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Announcements for 2/22/2010

  1. Schedule -
    2/24 - Pep Band at Special Olympics Basketball Game, call time 5:40
  2. Midwinter Concert - Call time is 6pm for all students. Symphonic Band students are asked to bring 1-2 dozen cookies to share for after the concert. If you can help with serving punch and cookies after the concert, please e-mail Mrs. Wilczek at made13@sbcglobal.net.
  3. Congratulations - to all the Solo & Ensemble participants from this past weekend! Extra kudos go to the five PSHS students selected to perform on the Honors Recital: Katie Faltin, Aileen Hamilton, Cera Lazarz, Amanda Otey, and Brittany Turner. Great job!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Extra SPC Help needed

Dear all,

Sorry for the barrage of e-mails this week, but we need some extra help coordinating hospitality/ food for SPC on Thursday this week. If you are available during the day or in the evening, please contact Mrs. Wilczek at made13@sbcglobal.net. Thanks in advance!

Monday, February 8, 2010

URGENT: SPC Rescheduled for Thursday, 2/11

For those participating in the SPC Festival:

We have rescheduled SPC for Thursday, 2/11. If you have not turned in meal money, please do so ASAP ($8).

Announcements: 2/8/2010

  1. Schedule -
    2/8 - After school rehearsals canceled
    2/9 - SPC Festival canceled
    2/11 - Pep Band, 6pm
    2/17-19 - Symphonic Band Auditions
    2/20 - Solo & Ensemble Festival
    2/25 - MidWinter Concert, 7pm
  2. Solo & Ensemble - Calling all parents! We need room monitors for the day. We could use as many as 20 volunteers for 2 hours shifts. Please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt if you are available.
  3. Symphonic Band Auditions - Auditions for the fall of 2010 Symphonic Band will occur after school on 2/17 through 2/19. If a student does not audition, they will need to audition in May for one of the Concert Bands.

URGENT: SB Rehearsal and SPC Festival Canceled

Dear all,

Due to the snow that is predicted for tonight and tomorrow, Symphonic Band rehearsal has been canceled for tonight (Monday, 2/8). Jazz band sectionals will also be canceled tonight.

We are also canceling the SPC Honor Band Festival which was scheduled for Tuesday, 2/9. We are looking into the possibility of rescheduling this event and will send out information as soon as we can.

Thank you for your support, and be safe if you go out in the snow storm!