Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Announcements for week of 3/23/2009

  1. Schedule -
    3/25 - McDonald's Fundraiser (Essington)
    3/26 - Disney Rehearsal 6-8pm
    3/31 - Spring Band Concert
    4/2 - Disney Rehearsal 6-8pm
    4/3 - Disney trip!
    4/25 - ISU Band Festival (SB) and PICBF (CB)
  2. Updated Calendar - An updated version of the band calendar has been placed on the website. Please notice the confirmed dates for the ISU Band Festival, PICBF, and Band Banquet.
  3. Spring Band Concert - Student call time is 6pm on 3/31. The concert will feature the curricular bands, as well as the Disney Band. Symphonic Band students should bring 1 dozen cookies to share after the concert.
  4. Band Banquet Video - Photos and videos from band events this year are needed for the band banquet video. Seniors also need to submit a few photos for the banquet video. A baby picture and a few current photos is prefered. Please send these to Mrs. Dunning.
  5. Disney Trip - Medical and Trip Consent forms are due Thursday, 3/26. Photo forms will still be accepted until Tuesday, 3/31.
  6. Booster Officers - Anyone interested in running for Booster President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer should contact a director. Nominations will be taken at the April booster meeting, and Elections will occur at the May Meeting. This is a GREAT way to get involved and support your student(s). The success of the band program is dependant on more than just the directors and students. Parents play a huge role in increasing the quality and success of the PSHS Band. If you cannot take on one of the positions listed above, please consider helping out a concerts, football games, and with hospitality or fundraising. We will never turn down help! Contact a director if you are interested!