Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Announcements for week of 2/9/2009

  1. Schedule:
    2/11 - Pep Band, 5:45pm call
    2/12 - Mid-Winter Concert, 7pm
    2/13 - Disney Final Payment due; Pep Band, 6pm call
    2/17 - SPC Festival at PNHS
    2/21 - Solo & Ensemble Festival
    2/26 - Disney Rehearsal, 6-8pm
    3/5 - Disney Rehearsal, 6-8pm
    3/7 - Metamora Music Festival: CANCELED
  2. Mid-Winter Concert - Student call time is 6pm. Be sure to remember socks, shoes, etc. Concert Band students are asked to bring a dozen cookies for the reception afterward.
  3. Disney Trip - Final payments MUST be paid by Friday, 2/13. The first rehearsal is coming up on 2/26.
  4. SPC Festival - Congratulations to the 21 students from PSHS selected to perform in the Southwest Prarie Conference (SPC) Honor Band Festival held at Plainfield North on 2/17! If your student was selected, make sure they return their information packet forms by Friday, 2/13.
  5. Solo & Ensemble - On 2/21, students from all Plainfield High Schools will be at PSHS to participate in the Solo & Ensemble Festival. We need parent help to monitor rooms, work concessions, and help in the office. Please contact a director if you are interested in helping any time between 8am and 1pm.
  6. Candy Sale - Students will be given the opportunity to sell candy from 2/12-2/27. Students are asked to sell two boxes of candy (52 bars per box). Profit beyond these sales will go directly to student accounts.