Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Announcements for week of 12/15/2008

  1. Upcoming Schedule:
    12/16 - Pep Band, 5:45pm
    12/17 - McDonald's Fundraiser (see below)
  2. Pit Orchestra Auditions will be held on 1/9. If you are interested, please see Mr. Dortwegt.
  3. McDonald's is hosting a fundraiser for us on Wednesday 12/17. Students who have signed up will work/help out between 4 and 8 pm at the McDonald's on Rt. 59 and Renwick Rd. 10% of the profits during that time will go to the bands/student accounts. Stop by if you have some time!
  4. The Next Florida payment of $100 is due 1/9/2009.
  5. Please consider ordering scrip cards! In the past month, only a few people have ordered, but we have made almost $100 profit for the boosters. E-mail a director if you have questions.
Have a happy and safe holiday!