- Upcoming Schedule:
12/16 - Pep Band, 5:45pm
12/17 - McDonald's Fundraiser (see below) - Pit Orchestra Auditions will be held on 1/9. If you are interested, please see Mr. Dortwegt.
- McDonald's is hosting a fundraiser for us on Wednesday 12/17. Students who have signed up will work/help out between 4 and 8 pm at the McDonald's on Rt. 59 and Renwick Rd. 10% of the profits during that time will go to the bands/student accounts. Stop by if you have some time!
- The Next Florida payment of $100 is due 1/9/2009.
- Please consider ordering scrip cards! In the past month, only a few people have ordered, but we have made almost $100 profit for the boosters. E-mail a director if you have questions.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Announcements for week of 12/15/2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Band Photos
Dear Parents,
At the collage concerts, students were photographed in their concert uniforms and with their instruments. Mrs. Dunning is currently selling these, and the band boosters will receive a portion of the profits. It's a great way to receive a great quality photo of your student!
If you would like to order photos, please send an e-mail to Mrs. Dunning at storiesbyjd@sbcglobal.net, and she can send you a copy of the order form. We would like to complete all orders by Monday of this coming week (12/17). You may submit payment to the Blue Box in the band room.
At the collage concerts, students were photographed in their concert uniforms and with their instruments. Mrs. Dunning is currently selling these, and the band boosters will receive a portion of the profits. It's a great way to receive a great quality photo of your student!
If you would like to order photos, please send an e-mail to Mrs. Dunning at storiesbyjd@sbcglobal.net, and she can send you a copy of the order form. We would like to complete all orders by Monday of this coming week (12/17). You may submit payment to the Blue Box in the band room.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Announcements for week of 12/08/08
Happy Collage Week!
- Schedule:
Tuesday (12/9) - Rehearsal 3:30-8pm
Wednesday (12/10) - Collage Concert 1, 7pm, Auditorium
Thursday (12/11) - Collage Concert 2, 7pm, Auditorium - Collage Call time: 6pm
- Cheesecake & Coffee/Tea pick-up will be in the Construction Room (adjacent to the band room) on Wednesday (12/10) immediately after the concert concludes. You MUST arrange to have your order picked up at this time.
- Concerto Competition Auditions will be held after school on Monday, 12/15.
- Disney installments of $100 were due 12/5. Please try to keep to the schedule if possible!
- Congratulations to Danielle Berger for her acceptance to the 2009 Illinois Music Educators Association (IMEA) All-State Conference. Danielle was selected as one of only 36 students from the state of Illinois to participate in the IMEA Future Music Educators Symposium. In January, she will travel to Peoria to attend the conference where she will work in small groups with several outstanding music teachers from the state, have a chance to learn about college music education programs, and meet others who share her interest in joining the music teaching profession. Congratulations to Danielle!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Announcements for week of 11/24/08
Happy Thanksgiving Week!
- Schedule:
Disney Meeting (11/24) 8:15 pm, Auditorium
Fall Concert (11/25). CB call time=5:30; SB call time=5:15.
Joliet Parade (11/28). Call time = 2:45. - The Fall Concert will be held tomorrow at 7pm in the PSHS Auditorium. Students need to remember to bring tuxedo shirts, black socks, and appropriate shoes. Girls need to bring black hose.
- Cheesecake & Coffee/Tea Sale ends December 1. Make sure to turn in orders on time!
- Texas Road House Fundraiser - We will be selling Texas Road House gift cards at the Fall concert. 10% of the profits will go to the band boosters. If you are interested, we will have $10, $25, and$50 gift cards available. They make great holiday gifts!
- Auditions for 2nd Semester - Begin next week (December 1-5). Please make sure students are practicing and have signed up for an audition time.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dear all,
The PSHS Bands would like to remind you about a great fundraising opportunity for our band: Scrip! Scrip is a term that means "substitute money". When you purchase scrip, you are purchasing a pre-paid gift card that is just as good as cash, and you can use scrip to purchase everyday items like food, clothing, and other essentials.
Here's the best part: There is NO cost to you! The scrip cards retain their entire value, while a percentage of the retailer's profits go to the PSHS Band Program. For example, you might purchase a $100 Jewel scrip card (we all need to eat, right?). You will receive a $100 gift card, while Jewel donates 4% of that to the PSHS Band Program. Over the long run, if many people are involved, this can generate quite a bit for the program.
What's in it for me? The more money we can bring in through fundraisers, the easier it is for the band to buy more equipment, reduce costs for items like T-shirts and meals, etc. If that's not enough to motivate you, how about this: Each time you submit a scrip order, your name will be placed in a drawing for a chance to win a $20 gas card. You will receive one entry to the drawing for each $50 you order through the scrip program. Drawings will occur at Band Booster Meeting each time we reach over $1000 in scrip sales.
How do I order? A list of companies/stores to order cards for is available at the following website: http://www.shopwithscrip.com/Shop/default.aspx. Once you have chosen what you would like to order, follow these instructions:
Questions? E-mail a director OR the Scrip Coordinator (Mrs. Naprstek) at anitan@ameritech.net.
The PSHS Bands would like to remind you about a great fundraising opportunity for our band: Scrip! Scrip is a term that means "substitute money". When you purchase scrip, you are purchasing a pre-paid gift card that is just as good as cash, and you can use scrip to purchase everyday items like food, clothing, and other essentials.
Here's the best part: There is NO cost to you! The scrip cards retain their entire value, while a percentage of the retailer's profits go to the PSHS Band Program. For example, you might purchase a $100 Jewel scrip card (we all need to eat, right?). You will receive a $100 gift card, while Jewel donates 4% of that to the PSHS Band Program. Over the long run, if many people are involved, this can generate quite a bit for the program.
What's in it for me? The more money we can bring in through fundraisers, the easier it is for the band to buy more equipment, reduce costs for items like T-shirts and meals, etc. If that's not enough to motivate you, how about this: Each time you submit a scrip order, your name will be placed in a drawing for a chance to win a $20 gas card. You will receive one entry to the drawing for each $50 you order through the scrip program. Drawings will occur at Band Booster Meeting each time we reach over $1000 in scrip sales.
How do I order? A list of companies/stores to order cards for is available at the following website: http://www.shopwithscrip.com/Shop/default.aspx. Once you have chosen what you would like to order, follow these instructions:
- Go to shopwithscrip.com registration page (https://www.shopwithscrip.com/getstarted/register.aspx)
- Sign up, then enter the PSHS Booster Enrollment Code: 5BC76B9B15432
- You're ready to order! (Note that there is a $.39 charge each time you place an order)
Questions? E-mail a director OR the Scrip Coordinator (Mrs. Naprstek) at anitan@ameritech.net.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Announcements for week of 11/17/08
- Upcoming Schedule:
Disney Meeting: 11/24, 8:15pm, Band Room
Fall Band Concert: 11/25, 7pm, PSHS Auditorium
Joliet Holiday Parade: 11/28, 2:45 call - Pep Band performance schedule is here. It's not too late to join!
- The Cheesecake & Coffee/Tea Sale is here! Please click here to read more about it! It's a great way to raise money for the band and for your student account!
- 2nd Semester Auditions will be held December 1-5 after school. Students received the required music in class today. The auditions are mandatory and are a substantial quiz grade. Please make sure your students are practicing and have signed up for an audition!
- IMEA District Festival will be held this Saturday at Plano High School. Come out to support Brittany Turner at this very exciting event! For details, contact Mr. Cook.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Disney Trip Parent Meeting
For all Disney Trip Participants:
There will be a mandatory student/parent meeting held on Monday, November 24, at 8:15pm in the band room. We will discuss payment information, itinerary, and other important details.
The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes. If you cannot attend, please contact Mr. Cook.
There will be a mandatory student/parent meeting held on Monday, November 24, at 8:15pm in the band room. We will discuss payment information, itinerary, and other important details.
The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes. If you cannot attend, please contact Mr. Cook.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Announcements for week of 11/10
Now that things have quieted down after marching season, there's not as much news to pass along. However, there are several important things to be aware of:
- Upcoming Schedule:
Fall Band Concert: Tuesday, 11/25, 7pm in the PSHS Auditorium
Joliet Holiday Parade: Friday, 11/28. Itineraries have been passed out in class and are available online here. - Disney Deposits: The third Disney installment is due today! (Friday 11/7). Lost your payment schedule info sheet? It's available here.
- Tuxedo Shirts: All freshmen guys will need to bring $12 to cover the cost of a new tuxedo shirt for the fall concert. All returning members who needed a new shirt should bring this in as well. Please cover this expense by Friday, 11/14.
- Pep Band: The first rehearsal for pep band will occur Monday, 11/10 from 3:45-5:15 in the band room. All are welcome to attend. Details about the season, schedule, and points towards end-of-the-year awards will be discussed then.
- Congratulations to Brittany Turner for making the IMEA District Band! What a great honor!
- Our next fundraiser (cheesecake) will begin next Friday. Look for more info next week.
- Photos from the DGS competition are available online courtesy of Mrs. Melka. Check them out here.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday Game & Senior Night
Dear All,
This Friday's game is Senior Night - We Promise! Senior parents, we apologize for the error at the last game; however, this week is for sure Senior night. All of the details are still the same: Arrive at 6:45 and proceed to the North entrance to the stadium. Your student will meet you there. We will use the same information from last time to recognize seniors and parents. If your info has changed, please let Mr. Dortwegt know as soon as possible.
Also, another reminder that ALL students should bring their concert shoes on Friday so they can be properly fitted for Concert Uniforms.
Have a great rest of the week!
PSHS Band Department
This Friday's game is Senior Night - We Promise! Senior parents, we apologize for the error at the last game; however, this week is for sure Senior night. All of the details are still the same: Arrive at 6:45 and proceed to the North entrance to the stadium. Your student will meet you there. We will use the same information from last time to recognize seniors and parents. If your info has changed, please let Mr. Dortwegt know as soon as possible.
Also, another reminder that ALL students should bring their concert shoes on Friday so they can be properly fitted for Concert Uniforms.
Have a great rest of the week!
PSHS Band Department
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Announcements for week of 10/20/08
Congrats to the Cougar band as we completed the competitive marching season with a great show at Downers Grove South HS! Here are some announcements for this week:
- Schedule:
Thursday PM - Rehearsal is CANCELED
Friday - Football Game, Call time 4pm - Concert Uniform Fitting: We will try to fit students this Friday during rehearsal. Please have your student bring their black dress shoes (close toed for girls) on Friday afternoon so that we can properly fit the uniforms. Also, all male students will be required to have a tuxedo shirt. We will order one for all freshmen guys for the cost of $12, unless you already have one. Please let us know if that is the case. Returning members can order new shirts if they let us know ASAP.
- Concert Season: We are transitioning to indoor concert season. If you need to check out a school instrument for concert season, be sure to submit your Instrument Check-out Form by the end of this week.
- Instrument Care: Parents, please reinforce the importance of taking care of one's instrument - especially if it owned by the school. Several students have been leaving their instruments out of the case in their lockers and not inspecting them for damage, which will lead to maintenance problems down the road. Students are responsible for checking their instruments for damage/problems on a daily basis.
- Jazz Band Auditions are this week Tuesday and Wednesday.
- The second Disney payment was due 10/10. Just a reminder!
- The Craft Show is this weekend. If you can help, please e-mail a director or Cindy Westfall.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Announcements for week of 10/14/08
- Schedule:
Wednesday 10/15 - Rehearsal 6-9pm
Thursday 10/16 - Rehearsal 3:45-4:45pm
Saturday 10/18 - Competition 10:00am call - Downers Grove South Competition:
This is our final competition, so come out to support the students! If you are intending to chaperone, please e-mail Tara Turner so we have accurate numbers. Click here for the itinerary and for driving directions. - Competition Meal Money is due tomorrow (Wednesday 10/15). If you do not cover this cost, you will be responsible for eating on your own at the competition. (And our food will be better and cheaper!!)
- Jazz Band Auditions begin next week Tuesday and Wednesday (10/21 and 22). Pick up audition music in the band office.
- Fall Craft Show is next weekend (10/25-26). We need parent and student help on Saturday and Sunday. Since Plainfield Central and North have competitions on Saturday, and Plainfield East has a parade on Sunday, we must try to have ample volunteers on those dates to help them out. (They will cover for us since we have a football game on Friday night.) Please e-mail a director if you can help out even for a couple hours.
- Evening Rehearsals will be for Symphonic Band students only starting next Monday (10/20). Concert Band students will only have a Monday night committment on an as-needed basis before concerts.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Naperville Central Competition
Congratulations to the PSHS Marching Band! At this weekend’s Naperville Central marching competition, the band placed 2nd in its class and earned 6th place overall in a field of 17 bands! The band also received an award for “best in class” Visual General Effect. Color guard also scored well, placing 3rd overall on the day. Great job Cougar Marching Band!
Full results are available online here. In addition to the photos below, many more are available on our photo website by clicking here.


Full results are available online here. In addition to the photos below, many more are available on our photo website by clicking here.



Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Marching Band Meals
Dear all,
In an effort to cover our costs, we once again are asking for students to cover their $15 meal cost for the 3 marching competitions. 38 have yet to pay for this expense, leaving us with a large deficit.
For the final marching competition, students who have yet to cover this cost will NOT be served. It will be their responsibility to either bring a sack lunch or money for concessions. Those who have paid will receive a ticket for their meal and will be served as usual. If at all possible, please bring $15 this week!
This is not an ideal situation for us, but we must cover our expenses. Please contact us if you have specific concerns, and we will try to work out a solution.
In an effort to cover our costs, we once again are asking for students to cover their $15 meal cost for the 3 marching competitions. 38 have yet to pay for this expense, leaving us with a large deficit.
For the final marching competition, students who have yet to cover this cost will NOT be served. It will be their responsibility to either bring a sack lunch or money for concessions. Those who have paid will receive a ticket for their meal and will be served as usual. If at all possible, please bring $15 this week!
This is not an ideal situation for us, but we must cover our expenses. Please contact us if you have specific concerns, and we will try to work out a solution.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Announcements for week of 10/6
- Schedule:
Monday (10/6) - Rehearsal 6-9pm
Thursday (10/9) - Rehearsal 3:45-4:45pm
Friday (10/10) - Homcoming Football Game, 4pm call - Schedule Changes:
Our evening rehearsal next week will be rescheduled to WEDNESDAY, 10/15 because of the Columbus Day Holiday. Also, please keep Friday nights and Saturdays available until the end of November in case we have to add Football playoff games. See last week's announcements for more specific dates. - Senior Night - Seniors will be recognized before this Friday's football game along with their parents. Seniors will receive a Senior Night Info Form (online version here) in class today and must return it by WEDNESDAY so we can order the correct number of flowers.
- Jazz Band Audition Materials will be available Tuesday, 10/7. Auditions begin 10/21.
- Debt - 38 students still owe for marching band meals, leaving $570 unpaid. This is a rough time for everyone; including the boosters. We need to pay our bills, too! Please cover this $15 cost if you have yet to do so.
- Thank you - to all parents and family members who have supported the bands at football games and competitions. The amount of help and assistance has been incredible!
- Help - I am seeking several parents who might be interested in an "artsy project". Contact me if you are interested and I can fill you in.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Announcements for week of 9/29/08
- Schedule:
Thursday (10/2) - Rehearsal 3:45-4:45
Friday (10/3) - Football Game Call Time 4pm
Saturday (10/4) - Naperville Competition Call Time 1:30pm
Tuesday (10/7) - IMEA Auditions (leave right after school, return time TBA) - Upcoming Football games:
This Friday (10/3) is Middle School Night. We will provide dinner (pizza) free of charge for all the band students. Next Friday (10/10) is Homecoming; Seniors will be recognized with their parents before the start of the game. - Naperville Central Competition (Held at Benedictine University)
Competition Schedule and Info
Driving Directions - Upcoming Schedule Changes:
-Due to the Columbus Day holiday, we will reschedule our evening rehearsal that week to WEDNESDAY, October 15, from 6-9pm.
-Please be aware that our football team will likely be in the playoffs this year. We do not know the schedule yet, but to be safe, please try to avoid planning major events on the following dates: 10/31, 11/1, 11/7, 11/8, 11/14, 11/15, 11/21, 11/22, 11/28, 11/29. We will give as much notice as possible once the final dates are determined. - Competition Meals - 43 students have yet to cover the competition meal cost. We cannot pay our bills for the meals with this many persons still unpaid, and may have to adjust our plan for the final competition. Please take care of this $15 cost.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Announcements for week of 9/22
- Schedule:
Thursday (9/25) - Rehearsal 3:45-4:45 PM
Saturday (9/27) - Plainfield Parade Call Time = 6:45AM - Plainfield Parade - This weekend the band will perform in downtown Plainfield at the Plainfield Parade. Click here for the schedule for the day. Please arrange to have a ride pick up your student at PSHS by 12 Noon. In the past, the directors have had to wait around for more than an hour waiting for students who have not been picked up in a timely manner.
- Students interested in trying out for IMEA need to submit a $5 entry fee no later than TODAY (9/24). This was announced in class Monday.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Announcements for week of 9/15
This is a busy week for the PSHS Bands! Our first competition is Saturday at Wheaton North High School! Below are some important announcements for this week:
- Schedule:
Thursday (9/18) - Rehearsal after school 3:45-4:45pm
Friday (9/19) - Home football game CALL TIME = 3:30 PM (CHANGE)
Saturday (9/20) - Wheaton North Competition CALL TIME = 1PM
Click here for our Saturday Schedule and for the Line-up of Bands at Wheaton. - Extra-curricular Handbook Forms MUST be turned in this week. Students will not be eligible to participate in any band-related activities outside of the school day if this form is not turned in. This will result in UNEXCUSED absences. Parents, if you have not signed this form, be sure to get a copy from your student.
- If you have not yet paid for your Competition Meals, please submit $15 this week. This cost covers your meal at the Wheaton Competition on Saturday and needs to be paid ASAP. 57 out of 112 students have yet to pay for this!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday Night Rehearsal CANCELED
Due to the closure of District 202 schools today (9/15), tonight's marching band rehearsal has been canceled.
This is obviously very disappointing to us, as we have our first marching competition this weekend. Students, we will need you to work extra hard this week to prepare for the competition. Please use at least some of your day off to practice your instrument and make sure you have our show memorized.
In an attempt to make up some of our lost time, we will need to move up our call time on Friday for the football game from 4pm to 3:30pm. More detailed announcements about this week, including a schedule for Saturday will be sent out tomorrow (9/16).
This is obviously very disappointing to us, as we have our first marching competition this weekend. Students, we will need you to work extra hard this week to prepare for the competition. Please use at least some of your day off to practice your instrument and make sure you have our show memorized.
In an attempt to make up some of our lost time, we will need to move up our call time on Friday for the football game from 4pm to 3:30pm. More detailed announcements about this week, including a schedule for Saturday will be sent out tomorrow (9/16).
Friday, September 12, 2008
Disney Trip Update
Dear all,
At this point we are in decent shape for the Disney Trip in terms of students participation. We have roughly 60 students committed to the trip.
We are still VERY MUCH in need of chaperones for the trip. As of today, we have 2 chaperones committed to joining us, which is not enough for us to take the trip. If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible so we can make this trip happen!
Have a great weekend!
At this point we are in decent shape for the Disney Trip in terms of students participation. We have roughly 60 students committed to the trip.
We are still VERY MUCH in need of chaperones for the trip. As of today, we have 2 chaperones committed to joining us, which is not enough for us to take the trip. If you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible so we can make this trip happen!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Disney Trip

The last day to turn in a $100 deposit for our upcoming trip to Disney World is Friday, September 12. For full details about the trip, including dates, estimated cost, etc., please check out our information sheet available online here.
To participate in the trip, you MUST submit your deposit by Friday, September 12.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Announcements for week of 9/8/2008
Congratulations to the PSHS Band for an exceptional performance at the football game on Friday night. We received many compliments, and we were very supportive of our team. Nice job!
Some announcements for this week:
Some announcements for this week:
- Schedule: We have rehearsal this Monday (9/8) from 6-9pm. The theme is "Hat Night". Please note that there is NO Thursday rehearsal this week.
- Disney Trip deposits of at least $100 are due by Friday (9/12). This is the LAST date for the deposit to be turned in if you want to go on the trip. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR DEPOSIT OF AT LEAST $100 BY FRIDAY, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO ON THE TRIP UNLESS YOU HAVE MADE PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENTS WITH US.
- The PSHS Band Webpage has been updated. You can view the current year schedule and other pertenant information here.
- On the PSHS Marching Band Page, you can now view an animated version of this year's drill. It's synced with the show tunes - VERY cool! Note: Once you download the student viewer, do not pay for the full version of the program. Simply choose the "skip for now" button on the left for the free version.
- The first Band Booster Meeting of this school year will be held Tuesday (9/9) at 7:30 in the PSHS Band Room. Please consider attending, as we will be discussing activities for the year and seeking volunteers for various committees.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Monticello Photos
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End of Camp Photo (top) and Rehearsal (bottom)

Ropes Course


Before rehearsal (top) and After rehearsal (bottom)
Find more photos online courtesy of our band photographer, Mrs. Dunning. Log on to: http://photo.walgreens.com/groups/pshsband
Room code: south
You can share photos there. Photos for the Banquet Video should be e-mailed directly to Mrs. Dunning. Ask a director for her contact info.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Announcements for week of 9/2
Happy (belated) Labor Day! Here are the announcements for this week:
- Schedule: Friday's football game (9/5) is against Joliet Township HS. All times will be like last week; Call time is 4pm. Since this is a performance week, we will again rehearse on Thursday (9/4) from 3:45-4:45.
- Curriculum Night is Thursday 9/4. We encourage all parents to attend!
- Pizza Fundraiser pick-up is Saturday 9/6. Student call time is 9am and pick-up runs from 10am-1pm. If your student is planning to attend, please make sure they sign up for a time to work and a time to pick up their pizzas. Sign up sheets are in the band room.
- Debt - As always, please try to take care of your band debt. We have over $6000 in unpaid costs!
- Wheaton Band Festival tentative performance time is 6:45pm. This may change, and a schedule will be coming out soon.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
8/21 Announcements
Welcome back to School! We are very excited about this school year already. Specifically we would like to say congratulations to all the students who participated in the Monticello Trip. Students: You set the bar VERY high this year!
Some announcements for this week:
Some announcements for this week:
- All Forms are due by Friday of this week (8/22). Students must complete and return a Trip Consent form for the Fall and a Rules/Regulations Book Signature Form. This is a graded assignment! See the previous post for more information on these forms.
- Instrument Check-out Forms must be completed by Friday, 8/22, for those using a school instrument. If you do not return this form, you will not be allowed to use the instrument and will receive a zero for daily participation.
- Upcoming Schedule:
- Our first Monday Night Rehearsal is next Monday (8/25) from 6-9pm. This is a mandatory, graded rehearsal. Our theme for the evening is "College Spirit Night" so dress to support your favorite college and win "fabulous" prizes!
- The first Football Game Performance is next Friday (8/29). Call time is 4pm, and students will get a dinner break from 5:30-6:15.
- Because this coming week is a performance week, there will be an after school rehearsal on Thursday (8/28) from 3:45-4:45.
- Pizza Fundraiser: The end date for sales is 8/25. Submit your order and money to the blue box in the band room. Remember that after the first 6 pizzas sold, all the profits go into your student account! Pick up date is 9/6.
- Debt - Please try to take care of your outstanding debt as soon as possible. We would like to avoid situations that occurred last year with debt carrying on into the next school year. Just like any company, we must operate with a balanced budget. Remember that students are responsible for the following expenses:
- $150 Monticello (If you went)
- $26 Marching Shoes (new members and upperclassmen who need them)
- $12 T-shirt
- $15 Uniform Cleaning ($7.50 for color guard; Guard, if you paid the full $15 already, the overage has been applied to your student account)
- $15 MB Meal Cost
- The first Disney Trip Payment is due September 12. A non-refundable deposit of $100 must be submitted by that date or you will NOT be able to go on the trip.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
8/12 Announcements and Monticello
Dear all,
Welcome to the new school year! We are excited about the 2008-2009 Cougar Bands! The following announcements should have made it home by now:
Welcome to the new school year! We are excited about the 2008-2009 Cougar Bands! The following announcements should have made it home by now:
- Rules and Regulations Book Form: All students are responsible for returning the signature (top) page to the Rules and Regulations book. This was distributed at last week's parent meeting, and many of you returned it then. By signing this form, we have a record that you have received a copy of the Rules and Regulations book for this school year. This is a graded assignment and should be turned in by Wednesday, August 13.
- Trip Consent Forms: All students must sign and return a trip consent form for all out-of-school field trips that the band will participate in this fall. This form was distributed at the Parent meeting, and many returned it at that time. If you have yet to return it, please do so by Wednesday, August 13. In addition, those traveling to Monticello should have already returned a separate trip consent form.
- Finances: For those who did not attend the parent meeting, please be aware that students are required to make the following purchases:
- $26 - Marching Band Shoes (Freshmen and those who need them ONLY)
- $12 - Marching Band T-shirt
- $15 - Uniform Cleaning Cost (Color Guard is only $7.50)
- $15 - Marching Band Meal Cost
- The Pizza Fundraiser began last week. This is a great way to make money for the band program and for your student account. After the first 6 pizzas sold, the profit goes directly into your student account! End date of the sale is August 25, and the preparation/pick-up day is Saturday, 9/6.
- Monticello: Students received a packet of information about the trip on Tuesday of this week. You can also find that information online. See the links below. Please be sure to read through the itinerary, rules/regulations, and general information so you know what to bring! The final cost of the trip is $150.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The date for the required Band Parent/Student meeting is THURSDAY evening, August 7, 2008, at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be held in the PSHS Auditorium.
The date has been published accurately and consistently. One of our mailings inadvertently stated that August 7 is "Wednesday". We apologize for the error.
Please help spread the word to band families that the meeting is on the evening of Thursday, August 7
The date has been published accurately and consistently. One of our mailings inadvertently stated that August 7 is "Wednesday". We apologize for the error.
Please help spread the word to band families that the meeting is on the evening of Thursday, August 7
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2008-2009 School Year Info
Dear all,
Information regarding the upcoming school year and August Band Camp was sent home this past week. Please look for this in the mail and be sure to read through it so you are aware of all that is happening in the coming weeks. If you do NOT receive a mailing within the next week, please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt.
August Band Camp starts Friday, August 1st, for Section Leaders, Drumline, Colorguard, and ALL NEW MEMBERS. All other returning students begin camp on Monday, August 4.
Information regarding the upcoming school year and August Band Camp was sent home this past week. Please look for this in the mail and be sure to read through it so you are aware of all that is happening in the coming weeks. If you do NOT receive a mailing within the next week, please e-mail Mr. Dortwegt.
August Band Camp starts Friday, August 1st, for Section Leaders, Drumline, Colorguard, and ALL NEW MEMBERS. All other returning students begin camp on Monday, August 4.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
2008 Marching Band Leadership Team
The following is the Leadership Team for the 2008 Marching Band Season. We're looking forward to a great year!
Leaders - Please note that your marching band commitment begins August 1. Make sure you review the August schedule that was sent home in May!!
Drum Majors: (in alpha order)
Danielle Berger
Aileen Hamilton
Zach Simmering
Katie Faltin
Cera Lazarz
Amanda Otey
Brittany Powers
Gabie Eischen
Ant Sutliff
Alex Mackley
Bass Clarinet:
Mitch Adams*
Alto Saxophone:
Brittany Turner
Allie Giancarlo
Shirley Kozlowski
Tenor Saxophone:
Kristyn Moore
Bari Saxophone/Sousaphones:
Troy Meehan
Jarrod Simington
Tom Kodron
Courtney Young
Cory Eppenstein
Miranda Mayer
Gio Cox
Miranda James
Kyle Heywood
Caleb Goldenstein
Cody Langlois
Kyle Westfall
Color Guard:
Lisa Janasik
Marie Hallberg*
*Please confirm with Mr. Dortwegt. (Let me know if you're interested at 815.577.5966)
Leaders - Please note that your marching band commitment begins August 1. Make sure you review the August schedule that was sent home in May!!
Drum Majors: (in alpha order)
Danielle Berger
Aileen Hamilton
Zach Simmering
Katie Faltin
Cera Lazarz
Amanda Otey
Brittany Powers
Gabie Eischen
Ant Sutliff
Alex Mackley
Bass Clarinet:
Mitch Adams*
Alto Saxophone:
Brittany Turner
Allie Giancarlo
Shirley Kozlowski
Tenor Saxophone:
Kristyn Moore
Bari Saxophone/Sousaphones:
Troy Meehan
Jarrod Simington
Tom Kodron
Courtney Young
Cory Eppenstein
Miranda Mayer
Gio Cox
Miranda James
Kyle Heywood
Caleb Goldenstein
Cody Langlois
Kyle Westfall
Color Guard:
Lisa Janasik
Marie Hallberg*
*Please confirm with Mr. Dortwegt. (Let me know if you're interested at 815.577.5966)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
2008 Drumline
Below are the 2008 Drumline results. Thank you to all who auditioned.
Kyle Heywood
Elizabeth Naprstek
Caleb Goldenstein
Bass Drum:
Kyle Westfall (1)
Meagan Kelly (2)
Nick Cozzi (3)
Michelle Smith (4)
Steven Michalak (5)
To be determined in August
Everyone else
Kyle Heywood
Elizabeth Naprstek
Caleb Goldenstein
Bass Drum:
Kyle Westfall (1)
Meagan Kelly (2)
Nick Cozzi (3)
Michelle Smith (4)
Steven Michalak (5)
To be determined in August
Everyone else
Monday, June 2, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Announcements for week of 5/12
We are quickly approaching the end of the school year! Here are some updates you need to be aware of:
- Thank you to all who attended the band banquet. It was the largest banquet attendance in PSHS history, and we had a great time! Please check back for some photos!
- The Spring Band Concert is Thursday, May 15. Call time is 6pm. Symphonic Band members should bring one dozen cookies (either store bought or home made) to share after the concert. Bring your cookies to the band room at 6pm.
- All students who have a school-owned instrument must have their instrument ready for damage checks on Friday, May 16.
- Concert and Symphonic Band non-seniors: We will meet on Monday, May 19, from 6-9pm for a graduation concert rehearsal. This is a graded rehearsal, and all non-seniors are expected to attend.
- Auditions for next year begin after school the week of 5/19. Sign up sheets for audition times will be posted later this week. Please sign up for a time. This is a graded assignment for all non-seniors, so all must complete the audition.
- The Spring Jazz Concert will be held on Sunday, May 18, at 3pm in the PSHS cafeteria. We will have refreshments and the Jazz band quilt will be raffled off.
- Graduation is May 31. All non-seniors are required to perform at the graduation ceremony. Call time is 11am and the ceremony begins at 1pm.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Lab Band Rehearsals have been canceled for Wednesday and Thursday of this week (4/23 and 4/24). This is because of testing and our desire for students to get ample rest before their tests. Rehearsals will continue next week as planned.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Announcements for week of 4/7
- Be sure to check the schedules for Hersey (4/12) and PICBF (4/19) below.
- Students who have not turned in money for the candy sale must do so asap. Money was due 3 weeks ago.
- Please plan to take care of your outstanding debt as soon as possible. Ask if you do not know your current balance.
- Our next band booster meeting will be May 6 at 7:30pm. We will be holding elections for next year's officers.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hersey & PICBF Schedules
Below are the schedules for our upcoming contests:
Hersey Invitational Band Festival:
Symphonic Band Only
11:30 - Arrive PSHS, load equipment/uniforms
12:15 - Bus departs for Hersey
1:15 - Arrive at Hersey HS, unload, change, and find homeroom.
2:00 - Watch ISU Wind Symphony
2:55 - Leave for warm-up
3:00 - Warm Up
3:30 - Performance
4:00 - Clinic/Picture
5:00 - Change/Load Equipment/Eat Dinner
6:00 - Watch New Trier
6:30 - Watch Willowbrook
7:00 - Load busses/depart for PSHS
8:00 - Approximate arrival at PSHS
Plainfield Invitational Concert Band Festival (PICBF):
Concert & Symphonic Band
12:30 - Arrive PSHS, Change into uniforms and load equipment.
1:30 - Bus departs for PHS-CC
1:45 - Arrive at PHS-CC, unload, and find homeroom.
2:05 - Concert band transition to warm-up
2:10 - Concert Band warm-up
2:45 - Concert Band Performance and Clinic in Auditorium. Symphonic Band watch.
3:20 - Symphonic Band transition to warm-up
3:25 - Symphonic Band Warm-up
4:00 - Symphonic Band Performance and Clinic in Auditorium. Concert Band watch.
4:30 - Watch Oswego Wind Ensemble
5:00 - Watch Plainfield Central Symphonic Band
5:30 - Load busses/depart for PSHS
6:00 - Approximate arrival at PSHS
PARENTS - please do not park in the drive immediately outside the band room doors as this blocks the busses and equipment truck from unloading.
Hersey Invitational Band Festival:
Symphonic Band Only
11:30 - Arrive PSHS, load equipment/uniforms
12:15 - Bus departs for Hersey
1:15 - Arrive at Hersey HS, unload, change, and find homeroom.
2:00 - Watch ISU Wind Symphony
2:55 - Leave for warm-up
3:00 - Warm Up
3:30 - Performance
4:00 - Clinic/Picture
5:00 - Change/Load Equipment/Eat Dinner
6:00 - Watch New Trier
6:30 - Watch Willowbrook
7:00 - Load busses/depart for PSHS
8:00 - Approximate arrival at PSHS
Plainfield Invitational Concert Band Festival (PICBF):
Concert & Symphonic Band
12:30 - Arrive PSHS, Change into uniforms and load equipment.
1:30 - Bus departs for PHS-CC
1:45 - Arrive at PHS-CC, unload, and find homeroom.
2:05 - Concert band transition to warm-up
2:10 - Concert Band warm-up
2:45 - Concert Band Performance and Clinic in Auditorium. Symphonic Band watch.
3:20 - Symphonic Band transition to warm-up
3:25 - Symphonic Band Warm-up
4:00 - Symphonic Band Performance and Clinic in Auditorium. Concert Band watch.
4:30 - Watch Oswego Wind Ensemble
5:00 - Watch Plainfield Central Symphonic Band
5:30 - Load busses/depart for PSHS
6:00 - Approximate arrival at PSHS
PARENTS - please do not park in the drive immediately outside the band room doors as this blocks the busses and equipment truck from unloading.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Announcements for week of 3/31
Welcome back from Spring Break! As you may or may not know, Mr. Cook and his wife have two new additions to their family. All are doing well, but Mr. Cook will be out of school for a period of time. Please direct all questions or issues to Mr. Dortwegt until further notice.
- All performances and rehearsals will proceed as regularly scheduled with the following exceptions:
- There will be NO percussion sectional on 3/31.
- There will be NO Jazz Ensemble sectionals until further notice.
- Symphonic Band will perform at Hersey High School on 4/12. Schedules for the day were distributed in class before spring break. Call time is 11:30am, performance time is 3:30pm, and approximate return time is 8pm.
- Symphonic and Concert Band will perform at the annual Plainfield Invitational Concert Band Festival (PICBF) on 4/19. Schedule for the day will be distributed this week in class.
- The Band Banquet date has been set for Saturday, May 10. Doors will open at 6:30pm, and the ceremony will start at 7. Desserts will be served, and a DJ will provide music for dancing. Event details will be sent home this week.
- The next Band Booster meeting will occur as scheduled on April 1 at 7:30pm.
- The PSHS Band Boosters are working on a new calendar fundraiser. We need your help to find businesses/persons interested in advertising in this calendar, which will be sent home to all PSHS students. The more ads we sell, the greater profit to our program. Please contact Caryl Hayes if you can help or know of an interested party.
- All students interested in taking AP Music theory should talk to Mr. Dortwegt this week. For those who have not taken Music Theory 1 and would like to take the proficiency exam, the test will be offered Friday 4/4 or Monday 4/7 after school.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Metamora Trip
Congratulations to the Concert Band for a great performance at the inaugural Metamora HS Concert Band Festival. Students had the opportunity to perform in the beautiful Metamora High School auditorium for a panel of prestigious adjudicators. Students also had the opportunity to experience a clinic with Dr. Andrew Mast from Lawrence University. Thanks to all who helped out and thanks to Mrs. Westfall for the photos!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Metamora Trip Schedule Change
Please note the following changes to the Metamora schedule due to another band dropping out of the festival:
9:00 Arrive at PSHS, load equipment/uniforms
10:00 Depart PSHS (lunch in-route)
1:15 Arrive Metamora HS
1:30 Change into Concert Uniform
2:10 Transition to warm-up
2:20 – 2:50 Warm-up
2:50 Transit to Performance
3:40 – 4:10 Clinic with Dr. Andrew Mast
4:15 Recognition Ceremony
4:45 Change out of Concert Uniform, load busses
5:15 Depart Metamora HS (dinner in-route) 8:15 Arrive back at PSHS, unload your equipment
9:00 Arrive at PSHS, load equipment/uniforms
10:00 Depart PSHS (lunch in-route)
1:15 Arrive Metamora HS
1:30 Change into Concert Uniform
2:10 Transition to warm-up
2:20 – 2:50 Warm-up
2:50 Transit to Performance
3:40 – 4:10 Clinic with Dr. Andrew Mast
4:15 Recognition Ceremony
4:45 Change out of Concert Uniform, load busses
5:15 Depart Metamora HS (dinner in-route)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Announcements for week of 2/25
- Congrats to the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Ensemble for a great performance at last week's Mid-Winter Band Concert.
- The Concert Band Metamora Trip Schedule has been distributed in class. The full schedule is listed below.
- We are still in need of parent chaperones and trailer drivers for the Metamora Trip. Please let Mr. Dortwegt know if you are interested.
- Concert Band students: Playing tests over our concert music will begin Thursday 2/28 during class. (Note change in date). This is a 25 point playing test. Please also remember that you may come in to re-take your scale tests if you would like to improve your score.
Metamora Schedule
9:00 - Arrive PSHS, load equipment/uniforms
10:00 - Depart PSHS (lunch in-route)
1:15 - Arrive Metamora HS
1:45 - Change into concert uniforms
2:20 - Watch Serena HS Concert Band
2:50 - Transit to Warm-up
3:00 - Warm-up
3:40 - 4:10 - Performance Time
4:20 - 4:50 - Clinic
5:00 - Recognition Ceremony
5:30 - Depart (dinner in-route)
8:45 - Approximate arrival at PSHS; unload equipment
10:00 - Depart PSHS (lunch in-route)
1:15 - Arrive Metamora HS
1:45 - Change into concert uniforms
2:20 - Watch Serena HS Concert Band
2:50 - Transit to Warm-up
3:00 - Warm-up
3:40 - 4:10 - Performance Time
4:20 - 4:50 - Clinic
5:00 - Recognition Ceremony
5:30 - Depart (dinner in-route)
8:45 - Approximate arrival at PSHS; unload equipment
- All students are required to ride the bus to and from this performance unless you have filled out an “Alternate Transportation” form and turned it in at least 48 hours in advance.
- We will stop for meals on the way there and way back. Please either bring a lunch or have money to purchase fast food.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Announcements for week of 2/19
- The Midwinter Band Concert
- Date: Thursday 2/21
- Call time for Concert Band students is 5:30pm. Call time for Symphonic Band is 5:45
- Students should arrive and immediately change into their concert uniform so that yearbook pictures can be taken promptly at 6pm.
- Remember to bring the appropriate attire for the concert: Tux shirt, black socks and shoes for guys; black hose and black shoes for girls.
- Concert Band students should bring 2 dozen cookies (homemade or store-bought) for the post-concert reception. Symphonic Band students will provide refreshments for the May concert.
- Jazz Lab Band is canceled this week due to SPC and the Band Concert. We will resume next week.
- The final Pep Band game is Friday 2/22. Call time is 4:15. Aux Sable 8th graders will be here and pizza will be served.
- Concert Band students: Playing tests over our concert music will begin Friday 2/22 during class. This is a 25 point playing test. Please also remember that you may come in to re-take your scale tests if you would like to improve your score.
- Parent volunteers are needed to chaperone the 3/8 Concert Band Trip to Metamora, IL. We also are looking for a few parents interested in driving the band trailer down to Metamora with us. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Dortwegt.
- There are still 7 Concert Band students who have not turned in trip consent forms for our trip to Metamora and PICBF. These forms are now 3 weeks late! You cannot participate in our trips if this form is not turned in - meaning your grade will suffer. Please ask your students if they have turned in this form.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Announcements for week of 2/11
- The Mid-Winter Band Concert is next week (Thursday, 2/11). Concert Band Students are asked to bring 1-dozen cookies for the post-concert reception. Please drop off your cookies before the concert in the band room.
- The Lemont Band Festival trip which had been scheduled for the Symphonic Band on 2/23 has been canceled.
- Solo & Ensemble Day is Saturday, 2/16. Schedules will be posted this week. All students are encouraged to attend the event, and extra credit will be given to those who attend the Honors Recital at 1pm in the Auditorium. The Honors Recital consists of students who were selected by the judges as the "best in room."
- Parent & Student Volunteers are needed to assist with Solo and Ensemble Day on 2/16. Contact a director if you are interested.
- This is the final week of Pep Band. The schedule for this week is as follows:
- Tuesday: 6:15 call time
- Wednesday: 5:45 call time
- Friday: 4:15 call time (Aux Sable 8th graders will join us, and we will have pizza!)
- Concert Band students have a scale test this week on Thursday. Please make sure they are practicing!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Announcements for week of 1/22
- Pit orchestra auditions will be held Wednesday, 1/23, after school. Results will be posted Thursday, and our first rehearsal is Friday, 1/25, from 3:45-6:00pm.
- Aux Sable middle school students will join the PSHS Pep Band on February 15 for the varsity basketball game.
- The Jazz Ensemble will perform this weekend at the Naperville North Jazz Festival. The PSHS Jazz Ensemble's performance begins at 11:50, and all are invited to come out and support PSHS Jazz.
- To stay current on all band and booster events, please check out the band website and booster website. Links are on the right side of the "Band News" website.
- The PSHS Band Boosters are now registered with Dominick's e-script program. If you sign up for the program online, Dominick's will donate a percentage of the profits from your sale to the PSHS Band Boosters. To sign up, go to "escrip.com" and either provide our name (PSHS Band Boosters) or our ID # (5000177735).
Friday, January 11, 2008
Announcements for week of 1/7
- Pep band will play for the Boys Basketball game on Friday (1/11) . Call time is 4:15. Students from the Drauden Point Band will join us for pizza and the game!
- The Spring performance calendar for Concert Band has been changed. We will no longer be attending the Hersey Band contest. Instead, we will attend the Metamora Music Festival at Metamora High School. The date for this festival is March 8, 2008. Please mark your calendars accordingly and let us know of any conflicts.
- Congratulations to Dave Garon who was the winner of the 07-08 Concerto Competition. He will perform the Edward Gregson Tuba Concerto with the Symphonic Band on the February 21 Band Concert.
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