We are happy to announce that due to increased student interest, there will be two jazz bands at PSHS this year: The Jazz Ensemble and the Jazz Lab Band. Audition results have been posted outside the band office.
Rehearsals for the Jazz Ensemble will be with Mr. Cook on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30. The first rehearsal will be Wednesday, 11/14.
Jazz Lab Band will rehearse with Mr. Dortwegt after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:35-4:35. The first rehearsal will be Tuesday, 11/13. Jazz Lab Band members will be asked to purchase the "Standard of Excellence Jazz Ensemble Method" book. Approximate cost is $15, but will vary slightly depending on your instrument. Books will be ordered through the school, so you may purchase them from Mr. Dortwegt directly. The details of this will be discussed at the first rehearsal.
Congratulations to all who auditioned for the PSHS Jazz Bands. We still have a few openings, especially in the trombone and rhythm sections. Please see a director if you are still interested in auditioning.