Students and Parents,
Below are some important announcements regarding upcoming events…
October 5 – Home football game vs. PNHS (4pm call)
October 6 – Downers South Competition (12:30pm call)
October 13 – U of I Marching Competition (call time TBA)
October 19 – Homecoming football game (4pm call)
2. Upcoming Rehearsals:
October 4 3:35-4:35pm rehearsal
October 8 Columbus Day – NO SCHOOL / NO REHEARSAL.
October 10 6-9pm MAKE-UP rehearsal
October 11 3:35-4:35pm rehearsal
3. Phantom of the Opera Trip
Students are invited to attend the PSHS band trip to see the famous Phantom of the Opera musical on November 20. Ticket price is $85 and includes transportation by coach bus, dinner at ESPN Zone, and excellent seats! Tickets are limited, and sign up for the trip has already filled up. For those on the sign up list already, your spot is currently reserved, and money is due Tuesday, October 9. If there are students on the sign-up sheet who have not paid by the end of the day on October 9, their tickets will no longer be reserved and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis to anyone with payment. Be sure to turn in your money and trip consent form ASAP!
4. Band T-shirts
Band T-shirts are in! They were designed by Aaron Tarlini and look great! If you have not paid for your shirt yet, they are $10.
Questions? E-mail or call us!
Mr. Cook & Mr. Dortwegt