Friday, May 25, 2012

Band Picnic TODAY - Friday, 5/25

The Annual Band Picnic is TODAY! 

When: Friday, May 25, 4-7pm (ish)

Who: Everyone in band.  (Alumni welcome, too)

Where: Eaton Preserve off of Rt. 59 (behind Meijer)
(Take Rt. 59 North, turn right on 135th street and the park is on the right.)

 Why: Why do you think?  To have fun!!!

This will be a “potluck” style picnic with everyone bringing something to share.  Suggestions are:

Flutes - Drinks (pop, punch, iced tea, lemon aid, etc.)
Oboes and Bassoons –Condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish, etc.)
Clarinets – Desserts
Saxes – Fruit (berries, cut-up apples, watermelon, grapes, etc.) or veggies
Trumpets – Chips
Horns – Paper products (plates, cups, napkins, forks, etc.)
Low brass – meat (hot dogs, brats, hamburger, etc.)
Percussion – Buns
Directors - Charcoal

When purchasing items, keep in mind there are about 140 students and others may be  bringing the same item.  No one person should spend more than about $4.

Please direct any questions to Mr. Cook at 815-577-5702.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi Band Families!

If you missed it, or want to watch it again, the 2011-12 Band Video is available on the Band Booster Website:

The video had to be split into three sections due to size, but enjoy!  Special thanks to Kristen James and Kristen Hamilton for coordination, student identification and amazing photos,  to Kim Leyva for more amazing photos and to Howard Hamilton for creating the video.