Friday, January 16, 2009

Southside Band News

The PSHS Band Boosters are once again publishing a monthly newsletter - The Southside Band News. Click here or on the image above to view it in pdf format. For the first issue this year, we are making it available to all band parents via this e-mail. It's a great way to keep up to date with everything that's going on in the band world! Also, we will begin to feature a "senior corner" in which seniors may write a bit about their band experiences. (Seniors - if you're interested, talk to a band director!)

From this point forward, only booster members will receive the newsletter. Remember that being a member of the boosters helps support your student and the band. Should you chose to join, we encourage you to visit us at our next meeting on February 10; although, there is no requirement that you do so. Visit the Band Booster website for more info!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Announcements for week of 1/12/2009

Welcome back to school! Here are some updates from the Band Program:

  1. Upcoming Schedule:
    1/9 - Pep Band, 5:45pm
    1/13 - Band Booster Meeting, 7:30pm
    1/23 - Pep Band (with middle school students), 4:15pm
    1/28-31 - IMEA All-State
    1/31 - Pizza Fundraiser pick-up (see below)
  2. We are offering the Pizza Fundraiser again in January. This is a completely optional fundraiser, and all profits from sales will go into student accounts. It is a fantastic way to raise money for the Florida Trip or pay off student debt (of which there is still $4,000 outstanding!!!) The dates of the fundraiser are 1/9-1/20. The pizzas will be made and picked up on Saturday, 1/31. Sell lots, as this is Superbowl weekend and pizzas make great party food! Order forms are available in the band room.
  3. The Band Final Exam consists of a performance test on scales and a written exam. Scale testing has begun already, so please make sure your students are practicing. The written portion will be given on 1/14. Students have received a study guide and should review it before taking the test.